Day 23 of #100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #100Devs
✅Using OpenZeppelin to Produce ERC-721 Token(NFT).💥⚡
✅Read Some Documentation of NextJs. 🚀⚡
✅ Started @codewithharry 's NextJs Course💥🚀
🥂 To a productive Day🚀💥
#100daysofcoding #blockchains #DAOs #MetatimeCoin #NFTs
In JavaScript what is the difference between null and undefined and how do they unwittingly throw errors in our programs? Let's see the JS developers that know their trade.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #buildinginpublic #opensource
Day 22 of #100DaysOfCode
✅ Deployed a Real-time Defi platform💥
✅ Basic Fundamentals of NextJs.🚀💥
✅ NextJs Endpoints SSR,SSG,ISR.💥
T'was a busy schedule.
🥂 To a so-so productive Day💥 #buildinpublic #100Devs #100daysofcoding #Airdrop #blockchain #DeFi #DAO #Crypto
for today coding challenge, I created a portfolio page using HTML5, and today we dive further into html tags like using embed, section, article, h1, h2,p, tags etc to create this portfolio page
#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #Odin #100daysofcoding
Completed yet another project here. Here’s a Dodge Charger 1970 webpage with responsiveness.
I’m a huge fan of the Dodge Cars 🚘

Live site:

#100daysofcodechallenge #buildinpublic #100daysofcoding
Day 54 | #100DaysOfCode .

- Anki
- 1 @codewars - 7 Kyu.
- #100Devs portfolio assignment : Worked on footer, still a long way to go.

Was a pretty slow day, didn't get much done coz wasn't feeling too good.

Brush up the concept of javascript, innerHTML return the value including there Tag but TextContent didn't do . This is my todays learning also brush up concept of array using javascript.
Are you guys on
? If yes, check out this project I created in which you can check your Showwcase account analytics:

GitHub Link:…

#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #100daysofcoding
Day Updates: 🚨🚨
Today I tried something new.
Basically did all the array questions done till now again.
Was difficult recalling the approach but yes Better than first time 💯💫
Saw some self - improvement 💪
#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcoding
Just created a fan site for The Beatles to brush up on my React and Tailwind CSS skills!

GitHub Link:…

#100DaysOfCode #webdevelopment #buildinpublic #React #CSS #100daysofcoding
Taking the leap to #buildinpublic

It's both scary and exciting. Two projects to tackle:

1. acquisition entrepreneurship: buy and build in public

2. Coding - starting with a #100daysofcoding with Python
Learning to code?

I have 5 tips that you can follow.
Trust me, they'll help you in your coding journey.

Happy #coding
Day 1 of #100daysofcoding

I'm just opening my python and I'm super excited. I'll be doing simple pre-processing for a random image.

What are you all up to?

Now you can choose which language to have a practise conversation in 🤩

Built using #ReactNative #expo

#buildinginpublic #buildinpublic #100daysofcoding🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 DIYHome HomeProjects #DuvetSet #BlackHistory #OlderAmericansMonth
Original: _UchennaOkafor
🚀 Just completed my latest project! 🎉 Built an awesome 2D robot 🤖 using JavaScript. 💪 Learned all about character motion and animation along the way. 🏃‍♂️💨 Exciting stuff! 😃

🔥 Check out the source code of this project on GitHub! 📁👉…
Just realised I haven't posted in a while.

Update #5

Got voice working, now you can hear and talk back to the AI. Ready to launch soon 🚀

Built using #ReactNative #expo

#buildinginpublic #buildinpublic #100daysofcoding #blacktechtwitter…
Update #4

I've integrated OpenAI's ChatGPT as a tutor that can now talk back to you 🫡

This is taking shape and becoming something I'm using everyday. Beta soon 🚀

#openai #ai #expo #reactnative #buildinginpublic #blacktechtwitter #chatgpt…
On Wednesday this coming week, I'll officially start my journey with #100daysofcoding !

Although it will be a simple start, I'm very excited to create magic and to feel the pain of debugging
this time as a potential businesswoman

#buildinpublic #BusinessProposal #BusinessWoman
5/ With its constant evolution and growing demand for interactive user experiences, JavaScript sets the stage for a bright tech future. Embrace the language of tomorrow!
#100daysofcoding #Learningjavascript #buildinpublic #javascript
I seriously can't wait till the weekend to build my new project.....Maybe I'll start today
Day 1 of #100DaysOfCode

- started from the basics
- debugging practice
- variables
- project: band name generator

#python #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic
Now you can choose which language to have a practise conversation in 🤩

Built using #ReactNative #expo

#buildinginpublic #buildinpublic #100daysofcoding #blacktechtwitter
Update #3

Today I got text translation working using in device machine learning 👌

Built using #ReactNative #expo

#buildinginpublic #buildinpublic #100daysofcoding #blacktechtwitter…

You can now tap to record you speaking and it will transcribe it 👌

Next up text translation

#reactnative #ios17 #expo…

✅ Max Number of Words found in Sentence
✅ Ninja Training

I’m not doing #100daysofcoding or #100daysofbuilding because I have some vacations coming.

After the vacations, I’ll take these challenges and win!

#buildinpublic #indiehacker
Day 22
After six intense days of pure HTML and CSS mastery, I just successfully completed my Twitter clone project! I am excited to level up my skills and explore the amazing world of JavaScript starting tomorrow. #100DaysOfCoding, I am ready for you! #javascript #buildinpublic
I've started to work on my first own project! #buildinpublic

I called it WorldCapp - it will show you the details about each football World Cup tournament.

Not too complicated though but I'm still excited✌🏽

Here's what I've done today👇🏽

#100daysofcoding #swiftlang #Swift
Me trying to publish my first coding project in public.

Can’t hold the excitement!

Sharing in an hour.

Stay tuned.

#buildinpublic #100daysofcoding
Day 9 of 100. #100DaysOfCode #100daysofcoding Still working on the deployment of the license service for smbact .com. The idea is to deploy dockerized as a service on Linux. Ansible, Docker. #buildinpublic
if this doesn't teach you anything about recursion 🤣

#buildinpublic #100daysofcoding
Day 25 of #100DaysOfCode

Practiced #javascript objects from @freeCodeCamp
's JS Algorithm and Data Structures, and revised DOM Manipulation And Events chapter of @TheOdinProject's JS Basics

#buildinpublic #theodinproject #100daysofcodechallenge #100daysofcoding #freecodecamp
Day 25 of #100DaysOfCode

Practicing #javascript objects from @freeCodeCamp
's JS Algorithm and Data Structures, and revised DOM Manipulation And Events chapter of @TheOdinProject's JS Basics

#buildinpublic #theodinproject #100daysofcodechallenge #100daysofcoding #freecodecamp
Day 24 of #100DaysOfCode

Practicing #javascript from @freeCodeCamp's JS Algorithm and Data Structures. Trying to finish Basic JavaScript and start ES6 chapter ASAP. Finished 83/113 topics.

#buildinpublic #theodinproject #100daysofcodechallenge #100daysofcoding #freecodecamp
Don't play it until you get it right, play it until you can't play it wrong.

Day 23 of #100DaysOfCode

Practiced #javascript from @freeCodeCamp's JS Algorithm and Data Structures.

#buildinpublic #theodinproject #100daysofcodechallenge #100daysofcoding #freecodecamp
Day 22 of #100DaysOfCode

Practiced the #javascript30 Drum Kit project again. Also, I revised basic #JavaScript from @freeCodeCamp
's Legacy Responsive Web Design curriculum.

#buildinpublic #theodinproject #100daysofcodechallenge #100daysofcoding #freecodecamp
Day 21 of #100DaysOfCode

Created the #javascript30 Drum Kit project. Also, I revised basic HTML and CSS from @freeCodeCamp's Legacy Responsive Web Design curriculum.

#buildinpublic #theodinproject #100daysofcodechallenge #100daysofcoding
Day 18 of #100DaysOfCode

Took a step back and revised #JavaScript Basics Fundamental Part 4 of @TheOdinProject’s Foundation Course.

#100daysofcodechallenge #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #theodinproject
Day 17 of #100DaysOfCode

Learned #JavaScript DOM Manipulation & Events from the JavaScript Basics Fundamental Pt.4 of @TheOdinProject This topic’s still not clear to me so gonna revise it again tomorrow

#100daysofcodechallenge #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #theodinproject
Day 16 of #100DaysOfCode

Learned #JavaScript Arrays, Loops, and about TDD from the JavaScript Basics Fundamental Part 4 of @TheOdinProject . Also did the assignments of the chapter for understanding TDD.

#100daysofcodechallenge #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #theodinproject
Day 14 of #100DaysOfCode

Made the Rock Paper Scissors Project of @TheOdinProject's Foundation Course of JavaScript Basics. I'll later add a GUI with buttons and text to the project.

#100daysofcodechallenge #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #theodinproject #javascript
👨‍🚒troll watch⚠️ Be aware
These accounts on #instagram are impersonating @Eminem
Report and block if you come across these
#MLS #buildinpublic #100daysofcoding #CyberSecurityAwareness #eminem #Goliath #Rosenberg #mentalhealth #ScamAlert #NFTCommunity #Unemployment #SouthAfrica
1176! All the accounts am posting are fake accounts on ig. They are impersonating @Eminem and his daughters. I will retweet the next 6. Report and block thank you 🙏 @Eminem @rosenberg @Goliathrecs @ShadyRecords @MLS_Agent_1 @MLS_Agent_2 @MLS_Agent_3…
Journaling while building something cool might be a good idea. #buildinpublic #100daysofcoding
Hey Developers 👨‍💻👋🏽

Why did you become a developer? 😃

Me: I always had a knack for solving problems. Being a developer gave me unlimited "puzzles" to solve 🤟😅


#developer #100DaysOfNoCode #100daysofcoding #uiux #bubble #CSS #buildinpublic #SAAS #startup
Kody Tools Update: Added file upload functionality to some of the tools in dev tools category.

#buildinpublic #kodytools #100daysofcoding #programming #coding #indiehacker
✅ get the users profile data with “sign with google” using jquery
✅ pass the user profile data to php using jquery ajax

#buildinpublic #100daysofcoding Day 16.
upcoming to deploy.. app to search latest news. not perfect, but:

🔸Material UI
🔸load more
#buildinpublic #ReactJS #javascript #coding #codinglife #100daysofcoding
Day 17 of #100daysofcoding #100Dev #100daysofcode #buildinpublic

🪴 Tried & Created a nav bar in #figma
☀️ (Day 01) Installed #Nextjs 🔗
🎉 Watched A Video Of Nextjs Flow 🔫
Day 16 of #100daysofcoding #100Dev #100daysofcode #buildinpublic

🪴revised api methods
🌊 made a post request to api to fetch data 💡
✨ Tried #Figma 💚
Added Browse Product To my ongoing site 🔗 Fetched from Rest Api JSON Server ✨

Deployed To Git #100daysofcode
Day 14 of #100daysofcoding #100Dev #100daysofcode #buildinpublic
👉Worked on Building Router Site

Things pending 😀
A Contact Forums, Contact Page , Product Buy Page , A sign-in/ sign-up
Day 13 of #100daysofcoding #100Dev #100daysofcode #buildinpublic

Created Flex Box 🎁 , Made Mobile Responsive.

Still in progress 😃
Pretty productive.
1. Completed sharing DBMS
2. Wrote some twitter threads
3. Notion app is 30% done
4. Drafted the blog
5. LinkedIn profile is edited.
#100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #Coding
To-do for this week:

🔲Twitter threads.
🔲Work on NotionApp.
🔲Get Computer Networking done.
🔲Share my DBMS Notes.
🔲Write a blog on Hashnode.
🔲Edit my LinkedIn Profile.

#programming #100daysofcoding
To-do for this week:

🔲Twitter threads.
🔲Work on NotionApp.
🔲Get Computer Networking done.
🔲Share my DBMS Notes.
🔲Write a blog on Hashnode.
🔲Edit my LinkedIn Profile.

#programming #100daysofcoding
Day 12 of #100daysofcoding #100Dev #100daysofcode #buildinpublic

🦅Built Contact Forum
✨Used Axios Post Request To Send Data To Json.db

Tommorow Task To-do 🌨️

A eCommerce Site ❤️
Day 11 of #100daysofcoding #100Dev #100daysofcode #buildinpublic

🦅Built Contact Forum
✨Used Axios Post Request To Send Data To Json.db

Tommorow Task To-do 🌨️

A eCommerce Site ❤️
Here is my notion page of how I am doing each task and what features I am gping to add?…

#buildinpublic #100daysofcoding
I have around 150 code snippets in my Notion page. I can't copy paste. So I am building a tool in which I can move them more easily to Github and also my API dev knowledge will improve.
#API #Developer
I need help on CSS for my project Generate Random Password. How to make it responsive on mobile app?


#buildinpublic #CSS3 #HTML5 #javascript #100daysofcoding #beginner
Want to increase conversion on your landing page and make more $$$?

Follow @imavinak for the best tips and tricks.

DM for a landing page roasts.

#BuildInPublic #SaaS #Founder #Entrepreneur #LandingPage #100DaysOfCoding
I am learning it for the second time and it's like a good revision. Soon will share detailed notes for it.

#buildinpublic #DevOps #100dayschallenge #100daysofcoding
Day 33: Completed the Hacker News Web Scraper Project. And learned the basics of Automated Testing with Python and Selenium.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcodingchallenge #100DaysOfDevOps #Python3 #DevOps #100daysofcoding #learninpublic #buildinpublic…
Day 30: Continued Python Scripting. Learned how to use Twitter API and Tweepy library. And created this @devhustle_ bot that likes & retweets any tweet that contains #100DaysOfCode

#100daysofcoding #100daysofpython #Python #devops #buildinpublic…
Day 29/100
✅ Video information can be changed
✅ All videos uploaded by the user will be displayed too
✅ Scroll feature is there ofc
Only 1 more feature to go and then we will be done!! 🤩

#100daysofcoding #buildinpublic
#indiehackers #100daysofcoding #100DaysOfNoCode #buildinpublic

Do you journal daily? Or Want to start Journaling? Need your inputs!!

Folks who reach out for conversation gets rewarded as well!

Interested folks, Just register below!!
If a Sudoku solution doesn't come soon, I'll just forego sleep.

See you guys on the other side.
#buildinpublic #javascript #100daysofcoding
So many great software projects getting posted up on

Asking the #buildinpublic community 🙋‍♀️

Should I add a ‘ProductHunt-ish’ type ‘Project of the Day’ feature?

Most votes that day?

#developers #100daysofcoding #devcommunity
🧑‍💻Day 58 of #100DaysofCode:
~Create a counter that counts the number of clicks you do through buttons using JavaScript, HTML & CSS.
~Will be doing some more JavaScript mini projects this week to strengthen my JS concepts.
#learninpublic #buildinpublic #100daysofcoding #javascript
Emmet is preinstalled in Vscode and availabe in almost all the editors so make use of this feature and increase your productivity
Learned as a part of #100DaysOfCode

Thanks everybody.. You are amazing. 💙💚

✨ 1K Let's GO! 🎈

#WritingCommunity #100daysofcoding #Sweepstakes
#buildinpublic #nocode #SEO
Day 10 of #100DaysOfDevOps
☑️ Helm
☑️ Helm Chart
☑️ Architecture of Helm
☑️ Normal k8s Deployment YAML vs Helm Deployment YAML

#learninpublic #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #100daysofDevOps #100DaysOfCode #100Devs #Kubernetes #containers
Day 9 of #100DaysOfDevOps
☑️ Pod Lifecycle : Pending, Running Succeeded, Failed, Unknown, Completed
☑️ Pods conditions : Pod Scheduled, Ready, Initialized, Unscheduled, Container Ready

#learninpublic #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #100daysofDevOps #100DaysOfCode #100Dev
Day 9 of #100DaysOfDevOps
☑️ Pod Lifecycle : Pending, Running Succeeded, Failed, Unknown, Completed
☑️ Pods conditions : Pod Scheduled, Ready, Initialized, Unscheduled, Container Ready

#learninpublic #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #100daysofDevOps #100DaysOfCode #100Dev
Day 8 of #100DaysOfDevOps
☑️ Horizontal Auto-Scaling
☑️ Jobs
☑️ Init container
☑️ Pod lifecycle

#learninpublic #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #100daysofDevOps #100DaysOfCode #100Devs #Kubernetes #containers
Day 7 of #100DaysOfDevOps
☑️ Kubernetes configmap
☑️ Secrets
☑️ Namespaces
☑️ Resource Quota

#learninpublic #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #100daysofDevOps #100DaysOfCode #100Devs #Kubernetes #containers
Day 6 of #100DaysOfDevOps
☑️ Persistent Volume
☑️ Persistent Volume Claim
☑️ Health Check/ LivenessProbe

#learninpublic #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #100daysofDevOps
Hello aspiring business dev guys. I want to invite you to work with me on something cool. Come join me
Please suggest some biz dev guide.
Please dm me ready to work with you..i gurantee this will be fun.
#buildinpublic #startup #webdev
Why I can't able to focus an Input field from browser console? #buildinpublic #100daysofcoding

Let's build a Search Engine which rivals Google.

All we need is the Reddit API

Follow along with this thread as i'll build the thing in public

#buildinpublic #100daysofcoding #nextjs
Day 6 of #100DaysOfDevOps
☑️ Persistent Volume
☑️ Persistent Volume Claim
☑️ Health Check/ LivenessProbe

#learninpublic #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #100daysofDevOps
Hi there👋🏻I was on break for festivals. I'm back now and started my k8s learning🙂
Day 5 of #100DaysOfDevOps
☑️ k8s Networking
☑️ k8s Services:Cluster IP, NodePort, Load Balancer, Headless
☑️ Volumes
☑️ Volume Types
#learninpublic #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #100daysofDevOps
Hi there👋🏻I was on break for festivals. I'm back now and started my k8s learning🙂
Day 5 of #100DaysOfDevOps
☑️ k8s Networking
☑️ k8s Services:Cluster IP, NodePort, Load Balancer, Headless
☑️ Volumes
☑️ Volume Types
#learninpublic #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #100daysofDevOps
Day 4 of #100DaysOfDevOps
☑️ k8s Deployment
☑️ Rollback
☑️ Use Cases of Deployment
☑️ Failed Deployment

#learninpublic #100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #100daysofDevOps

Don't forget to optimize YMYL in real life 🔥🚀👩‍🚀💖

#buildinpublic #100daysofcoding #SEO
Love that @Hookdeck gives you so many calls on a free account.

It has given be the ability to test like crazy over the last 4 months before bumping up to a paid account.

#buildinpublic #100daysofcoding