Day 26 of #100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #100Devs
✅ Revised the Implementation of ERC-721 Standard Token.☄️
✅ Revised the functions of Lottery which I made earlier⚡
✅ Continuing with NextJs by @codewithharry , building a blog website 💥 #Blockchain #Web3 #NFT #DAO #YouTube
Who's gonna be my 700th follower. 🚀💥
It'd be great to connect with like-minded Folkssss⚡🚀.
#buildinpublic #BlockchainGaming #Metaverse #LayerZero #Twitter
Day 23 of #100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #100Devs
✅Using OpenZeppelin to Produce ERC-721 Token(NFT).💥⚡
✅Read Some Documentation of NextJs. 🚀⚡
✅ Started @codewithharry 's NextJs Course💥🚀
🥂 To a productive Day🚀💥
#100daysofcoding #blockchains #DAOs #MetatimeCoin #NFTs
Day 22 of #100DaysOfCode
✅ Deployed a Real-time Defi platform💥
✅ Basic Fundamentals of NextJs.🚀💥
✅ NextJs Endpoints SSR,SSG,ISR.💥
T'was a busy schedule.
🥂 To a so-so productive Day💥 #buildinpublic #100Devs #100daysofcoding #Airdrop #blockchain #DeFi #DAO #Crypto
Day 21 of #100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #100Devs
It's Rewind Time! Revised the principles of OOP'S. ✅
✅ Playing and deploying contracts on Hardhat 💥
✅ Used Chainlink Keepers/VRF to populate Lottery Contract made by me.⚡
Next JS from tomorrow 💥 #DeFi
#DAOs #Web3 #Ethereum
Day 19 of #100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic
✅ Started Exploring Defi.
🚀Developing a Programmatic Borrowing and Lending Page.
✅Concepts of WETH, Forking Mainnet.
✅ Brushing Up React Js for FrontEnd
#Blockchain #DeFi #DAO #Crypto #100Devs #Ethererum #Web3 #Solana #AAVE