Pretty productive.
1. Completed sharing DBMS
2. Wrote some twitter threads
3. Notion app is 30% done
4. Drafted the blog
5. LinkedIn profile is edited.
#100daysofcoding #buildinpublic #Coding
To-do for this week:

🔲Twitter threads.
🔲Work on NotionApp.
🔲Get Computer Networking done.
🔲Share my DBMS Notes.
🔲Write a blog on Hashnode.
🔲Edit my LinkedIn Profile.

#programming #100daysofcoding
Here is my notion page of how I am doing each task and what features I am gping to add?…

#buildinpublic #100daysofcoding
I have around 150 code snippets in my Notion page. I can't copy paste. So I am building a tool in which I can move them more easily to Github and also my API dev knowledge will improve.
#API #Developer
I am learning it for the second time and it's like a good revision. Soon will share detailed notes for it.

#buildinpublic #DevOps #100dayschallenge #100daysofcoding
I will record the progress everyday just as I do everytime using time tracking and notes if any I will update on my blog or my github profile.
