💻 Days 12-14 | Round 2 of #100DaysofCode:
-Learned about rendering lists and local mutation in React
-Also solved some DSA questions
-Dedicated some time to college minor project
📚 Resources used:
#React #DSA #learninpublic #buildinpublic #leetcode
#Today I went to college and #study
👨‍💻 DFS , BFS in Data Structure
👨‍💻 SQL OPERATOR And Statements

#ThankYou Everyone for Your #Love and #Support We are now 300 #family
Let's Connect Learn Explore and Grow Together ❤️👨‍💻🚀
#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #dsa #leetcode #ai #Growth
Day 51 of #100DaysOfCode

Leetcode problems on monotonic stack and queue continues
Minimum Size subarray
Sliding Window Maximum

These questions are extremely important as they cover stack, queue, deque, monotonic stacks/queue, sliding widow techniques.

#buildinpublic #leetcode
📢 Announcement
Top MNC Company Ask Interview Questions About Bit Manipulation🚀
👇Here is one of the most asked questions on the interview ( #amazon #Microsoft #Google )

#dsa #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #leetcode #datastructure #Python #javascript #java #100daysofcode #cpp
💻Day 11 | R2 of #100DaysofCode:
-Learned about Conditionally rendering, Passing JSX as children
-Additionally, I dedicated time to solving recursion questions
📚Resources Used:
#React #DSA #learninpublic #buildinpublic #leetcode
Is recoding yourself code a good way to solidify your Leetcode learning?

I guess there is only 1 way to find out 😛

#100DaysOfCode #leetcode #buildinpublic #codinglife #interviews
💻Day 5-7 | R2 of #100DaysofCode:
-Learned about forwarding props with the JSX spread syntax,Conditionally returning JSX
-Additionally, I dedicated time to solving ArrayList questions
📚Resources Used:
#React #DSA #learninpublic #buildinpublic #leetcode
If you go by the 21 days rule Leetcoding is officially a habit now for me. Now I am finding it fun to solve problems and want to solve more and more. Hope I continue this habit. This streak and green boxes is kind of motivating.

#buildinpublic #DSA #leetcode #learninpublic
For all the sorting problems on Leetcode which sorting algorithm should I use for easy problems ?
#DSA #leetcode #learninpublic #buildinpublic
Fought long against auto-generated closing brackets and auto-indents that coding editors provide:

But polished up a way to auto-generate code through a keyboard shortcut! Watch QuickKey solve a Leetcode question here.

#BuildInPublic #BuildingInPublic #Leetcode
I built CodeSyncer, the Chrome extension that simplifies syncing LeetCode submissions to GitHub repositories, and I'm planning to expand it to other platforms soon.
Try it out and let me know what you think - feedback is always welcome!…
#github #leetcode
Day 47-48 of #100daysofcodechallenge

☑️I was working on a client's website mainly so couldn't find time to study or work on whatsapp clone but I did solved 9 coding problems on Leetcode.

☑️ Also Learned about cors.
#buildinpublic #leetcode #dsa
Day 73-74 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Practiced JavaScript localStorage by building Notes app
- Built Animated Neumorphism Loader using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic
We launched and our AI dross less than a day ago. We seem to have found a niche! 🙏🏽🙏🏽

Join us at:

#buildinpublic #leetcode #gpt3 #chatgpt #algorithms #datastructures
Day 70-72 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Practiced React hooks by building News app
- Built Glowing Social Media Icons using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 71-75 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Solved Tree and Array problems on leetcode
- Built ChatGPT chat page clone using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic #ChatGPT
Day 68-69 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Revised JavaScript core concepts
- Built Neumorphism Card using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 67-70 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
✅ Solved Daily leetcode challenge
✅ Revised JavaScript core fundamentals
✅ Built Tesla Custom Order Page clone using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 67 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Learned how to render 3D models in a website using three.js

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic #threejs
Day 66 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
✅ Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
✅ Built Animated Neon Button using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 64-65 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Revised React core concepts
- Built Facebook Login Page clone using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 65-66 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
✅Solved Daily leetcode challenge
✅Solved Binary Search problems on leetcode
✅Revised some React and JavaScript fundamentals

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 62, 63 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
🟩 Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
🟩 Solved Arrays and Linked List problems
🟩 Revised JavaScript core concepts

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 63-64 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
✅Solved Daily leetcode challenge
✅Solved Tree and Linked List problems on leetcode
✅Revised some JavaScript fundamentals

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 59-61 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Solved more DSA problems on LeetCode
- Built Instagram Login Page clone using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 60-62 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Solved Binary search problems on leetcode
- Built Nike Product Page clone using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 57-58 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Created mini project in JavaScript to practice
- Worked on my personal project

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 57-59 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Revised Data Structures and Algorithms
- Worked on my personal project
- Created mini project in React to practice

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 54-56 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Learned how to send data from one web page to another web page using React Router DOM
- Revised some React and JavaScript concepts

#Day56 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 55-56 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Learned to send data from one web page to another web page using NavLink
- Built Facebook Log in page clone using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic #HTML #CSS
Day 53 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Revised some React topics such as React Router DOM, React Context Api etc

#Day53 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 54 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Revised Tree Data Structure
- Revised some JavaScript & React concepts

#Day54 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 53 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Worked on my personal project
- Built a mini project to practice Firebase CRUD operations

#Day53 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 52 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Worked on my personal projects

#Day52 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 52 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Worked on my personal project
- Created Animated Navbar using HTML & CSS (check below 👇)

#Day52 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 51 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Attempted Today's Leetcode Weekly Contest
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Created custom search bar using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#Day51 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 49-51 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Revised some DSA topics
- Learned CRUD operations in firebase
- Built React firebase CRUD project
- Worked on my personal project

#DSA #leetcode #React #reactjs #buildinpublic
Day 48-50 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Created a mini project to practice Firebase CRUD operations
- Worked on my personal projects

#Day50 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 08: #100DaysOfCode

Learnt Intro to Java & Architecture, Installation
-how java executes
- platform independent
-JDK vs JRE vs JVM
-Linking, loading
#DSAWithKunal #problemsolving #buildinpublic #leetcode #programming
Day 07: #100DaysOfCode

Studied flow of program, pseudocode on day 06, but today I solved 5 leetcode ques. It was fun and I liked problem solving

#DSAWithKunal #problemsolving #buildinpublic #leetcode #programming
Day 48 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Solved Tree problem on leetcode
- Learned how to add and update collections/documents in Firestore Database

#Day48 #DSA #leetcode #React #buildinpublic
Day 47 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Practiced Firebase CRUD operations

#Day47 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 46 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Learned how to add and update collections/documents in Firestore database
- Worked on my personal projects

#Day46 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 47 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Worked on my personal project

#Day47 #DSA #leetcode #React #buildinpublic
Day 46 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Solved Recursion problem on leetcode
- Worked on my personal project
- Learned React Context Api and useContext() hook

#Day46 #DSA #leetcode #React #buildinpublic
Day 45 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Learned React Context Api and useContext() hook
- Worked on my personal projects

#Day45 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 45 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Learned Firebase Auth, Firestore Database, Storage and Firebase hosting
- Created a small project to practice firebase

#Day45 #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic #reactjs
Day 44 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Learned Firestore Database and Firebase Storage
- Created a small practice project using Firebase

#Day44 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 43 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Learned Firebase Auth and Firestore Hosting
- Created product card using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#Day43 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 44 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Worked on my personal project
- Cloned google home page using html and css

#Day44 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 42 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Explored mixin in SCSS and refactored the code
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Solved 2 DSA problem

#Day42 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 43 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Solved BFS and Recursion problem on leetcode
- Explored mixin in SCSS and implemented in the project

#Day43 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 41 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Revised JavaScript and React concepts
- Worked on my personal projects

comment below what you worked on today 👇

#Day41 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 42 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Worked on my personal projects
- Revised some React and JavaScript concepts
- Explored SCSS

#Day42 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
View my achievements at LeetCode!

I’m excited to share my achievement in earning the 50 Days Badge 2022. An award for users for constantly solving problems in 2022.

#LeetCode2022 #LeetCode…

#Problemsolving #DSA #learninpublic #buildinpublic
For the first time ever writing code, I have to *actually* use a sorting algorithm!

Finally all those years of #leetcode shall be used.

And yes, it's for, will post why it's necessary.

Don't know as a programmer, Why this thing gives another level of satisfaction ❤❤
Have you notied it🙌
#leetcode #100DaysOfCode #Coding #Java #explorepage #Explore #buildinpublic #Trending
Day 25 & 26:
🔹️problems on tree 🌿
🔹️python Module 1 from @scaler_official @ScalerTopics
🔹️a coding round 🤩 (3 problems based on dp, graph, tree)

#WomenWhoCode #buildinpublic #100DaysOfCode #DEVCommunity #leetcode #GirlsWhoCode
#30DaysOfCode 🌸
Day 23 & 24:
🔹️binary tree
🔹️question on array and bfs
🔹️a coding quiz round
College reopening 🙂🙂
Toodles 👋

#100daysofcodechallenge #dsa #leetcode #Developers #buildinpublic
Day: 88
->Started building a live streaming app using android studio
Day: 48
#leetcode for 365 Days
Problem 1: Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60
#Coding #Contest #buildinpublic #softwaredevelopment #appdevelopment
Day: 87
Day: 47
#leetcode for 365 Days

Problem 1: Is Subsequence(Easy)
Problem 2: Excel Sheet Column Number(Easy)
Problem 3: Burst Balloons(Hard)

#100DaysOfCode #Coding #Contest #buildinpublic #Software #Developers #365days
Day: 84
Day: 44
#leetcode for 365 Days

Problem 1: Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
Problem 2: Unique Morse Code Words

#100DaysOfCode #Coding #Contest #buildinpublic #Software #Developers #ChallengerTrophy #365days
Day: 84
Day: 43
@LeetCode #leetcode for 365 Days

Problem 1: Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
Problem 2: Unique Morse Code Words

#100DaysOfCode #Coding #Contest #buildinpublic #Software #Developers #ChallengerTrophy #365days
#leetcode for 365 Days
Day: 39
Problem- 1: Binary Sum of BST
Problem- 2: Reverse string
Problem- 3: Merge Two sorted Linked list

#100DaysOfCode #Coding #Contest #buildinpublic #Software #Developers #ChallengerTrophy #365days