Jeremy Banks Sydney Day 6 of GFG Problem of the Day
Ques: Maximum Value
Traverse the tree like Level Order Traversal and get the maximum value at each level and push it in answer vector
#100DaysOfCode #gfg #webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java
Day 10 of #100daysofcode (HTML,CSS,JS)
learned to cut and use spritesheet according to frame and how to animate them also learned how to change speed of animation
#100daysofcodechallenge #webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java #developer #cd9
Michael Schildwachter Vancouver Day 19 of #100DaysOfCode #webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java #developer #cd9 #programmer
➡️ Learnt about break and continue statements
🔸 Break statements terminate the loop
🔸 Continue statements skips the current
Peter Veldhuizen Day 28 of #100DaysOfCode Problems Solved: - Find All Anagrams in a String. - Valid Anagram. - Find Resultant Array After Removing Anagrams. - Determine if Two Strings Are Close.#webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java #developer #cd9
Alan Kaye Shreveport Day 3 of #100daysofcode- This is huge for me to learn, I have always wondered how CSS and styling work to change the horrible HTML look.
#webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java #developer #cd9 #programmer #code #geek #html
Robert Saunders teacher Australia
Day 4 of #100DaysofCode Finished Java Tutorial: Literals in Java by
Thanks Haris for the tutorial, enjoying every bit of it.
#webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java #developer #cd9 #programmer #code
Greg Aloi Singapore - Day 49 of #100DaysOfCode
Sixth Mini Project Grade Calculator Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript Source Code

#webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java #developer #cd9 #programmer #code #geek #html #designer #html5
Greg Aloi Singapore Day 48 of #100DaysOfCode
Sixth Mini Project Animated Navigation Menu Using HTML,CSS and JavaScript. Source Code
#webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java #developer #cd9 #programmer #code #geek #html #designer #html5
#Day 47 of #100DaysOfCode
Fighting with cold as well as code. Have been tried to exercise Java oversized array and git commands. Keep learning after work even for half an hour a day will make a difference.
#webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java
Day 46 of #100DaysOfCode:
> Stylized the photo tagging app project from #theodinproject
> Refactored a couple of elements and added some more to make the user experience a little better. #webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java #developer #cd9
#Day_21 of #100DaysOfCode. #webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java
Today, I was able to learn and use the concepts of inheritance in object-oriented programming and slicing, in addition to completing the snake game program.
Day 3/100 of #100DaysOfCode Michael Schildwachter Learning about color theory and stuff its a little difficult but i will surely get grasp on it by practicing. #webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs
Day 37 of #100DaysOfCode I was able to get a few codewars exercises done today. I'm thinking about starting a small OOP project soon. #webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java #developer #cd9 #programmer #code #geek #html #designer #html5
Day 35 of #100DaysOfCode I was able to get a few codewars exercises done today. I'm thinking about starting a small OOP project soon.
#webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java #developer #cd9 #programmer #code #geek #html #designer #html5
Greg Aloi Day 34/100 of #100DaysOfCode #MachineLearning Trained another NN model with ~88% accuracy on the validation dataset Also... Yesterday I heard back re: my 1st grant application and am awestruck.#webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java #developer