👨‍🚒oh.. and yet some more🪲🪲
Report and block these accounts on Facebook impersonating the @eminem family. They are not who they say.
#Zuckerberg #Goliath #shadyrecords @Rosenberg #catfish #fakes #MLS #OhioChemicalDisaster #HTML #100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #NFT
Accounts on Facebook are impersonating #eminem Report and block if you come across these accounts. #MLS #shadyrecords #Goliath #OhioChemicalDisaster #SCAM #Zuckerberg #momspaghetti #HTML #100DaysOfCode #Facebook #cybersecurity #buildinpublic #NFTCommunity #terminal
1146! The accounts I am posting are all on IG. I will retweet this post after every four. These accounts are impersonating @Eminem and need to be shut down. If these accounts follow you report/block. @deanna_stilson @rosenberg @ShadyRecords @Goliathrecs…
Accounts on Facebook pretending to be @eminem Report and block. Kill them
#Zuckerberg #Facebook #SCAM #mls #buildinpublic #100dayscode #Marshallmathers #shadyrecords #fanID
#ROBLOX #artist #BlackTechTwitter #NFT
1088! Lol ok Marshall Marthers 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣. This one is of course on Facebook. He requested me to be his friend lol. Not happening he doesn’t know who the hell I am. @deanna_stilson we will squish this cock roach 🪳@eminem @rosenberg @ShadyRecords @Goliathrecs @MLS_Agent_1 @MLS_Agent_2
Accounts on #Instagram impersonating @eminem
If you come across them report immediately
#shadyrecords #ScamAlert #buildinpublic #coding #marshallmathers #Goliathrecords
@MLS_Agent_1 @NancyELanier1 @MLS_Agent_3 #mls @rosenberg
Number 1035! These are racks accounts on Facebook impersonating @eminem. I have shut these accounts down and they are opening up the accounts again 🤬. Damn trolls 🧌. Report and block them on Facebook. @deanna_stilson @eminem @rosenberg @ShadyRecords @Goliathrecs