Day 8 of #100DaysOfCode

✅Learned searches & sorts in #cpp & solved some problems in #array and in #C from @CS50
✅Did nothing extra productive

Looking forward to tomorrow 👊🏼🌱…

#buildinpublic #LearnInPublic #coding #100Devs
Just learned about #variadic #functions in #C! They’re like a buffet for arguments - take as many as you want! #coding #ALX #buildinpublic
#Structures in #C are like the foundation of a building 🏢 Without them, your code would be a shaky mess! But with the right structures in place, you can build an incredible program that stands the test of time. So, let's lay the groundwork for success! #alx #buildinpublic
#Day9 of #100DaysOfCode
-Practiced some problems from @cs50 with @davidjmalan
-Again stuck to include a header in another header file in #C project, have to practice recursion more,
-Inspired 2…
#buildinpublic #LearnInPublic #programming #Coding
#Day8 of #100DaysOfCode
-Completed week 3 basic algorithm @cs50 with @davidjmalan
-Added sightseeing in #C project, practiced #cpp
-Learned (Linear, Binary, Selection, Bubble, Merge) searching
-Inspired 2…
#buildinpublic #LearnInPublic #programming #Coding
#Day7 of #100DaysOfCode
-Solved the comparison problem
-Learned a lot last 3 days,
-unistd.h; sleep(); gets(); system(); windows.h; fgetc(stdin) and many more with logic, can't write all
-Inspired 2…
#buildinpublic #LearnInPublic #programming #Coding
#Day6 of #100DaysOfCode
-Made a Source stations & Destination stations choice page
--Tried full day but couldn't compare 2d Array strings 1d Array strings. get & print the same but not compare
#buildinpublic #LearnInPublic #programming #Coding
#Day5 of #100DaysOfCode
-Started project with C- "Swastik's Tour Cost Calculator" - calculate total tour cost of the destination. Spend full day coding the login page.
-Encouraged 2 people
#buildinpublic #LearnInPublic #programming #Coding
#Day4 of #100DaysOfCode
#c & #cpp
-Learning structure week3 with @davidjmalan
-Learned to call .h file into another .c file
-Testing and Debugging from C++ @saylordotorg
-Encouraged 2 people

#buildinpublic #LearnInPublic #programming #Coding
#Day3 of #100DaysOfCode
#c & #cpp
-Last 2 problems @cs50 week2 and started week3 @davidjmalan
-Learned time.h, ran(), defining macro #define
-Started Unit2 C++ @saylordotorg
-Encouraged 2 people

#buildinpublic #LearnInPublic #programming #Coding
#Day1 of #100DaysOfCode
#c & #cpp language
-Completed 3 problems from @cs50 week 2
-Learned ctype.h, stdlib.h & math.h header files
-Started C++ from @saylordotorg
-Encouraged 2 people

#buildinpublic #LearnInPublic #programming #Coding
Made a simple quiz game in #C today 🚀✅. I've now got better understanding on more C concepts. I'm feeling more confident with C ☺️.
I'm pretty sure there's still lots more to learn but also glad i'm seeing progress 📈.
#buildinpublic #programming
Todays damage.

25 files changed, 233 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)

I got blocked on some stupid GMP array nonsense for a couple hours until I got it sorted. Full keyGen() and almost full sign().
#cryptography #buildinpublic #c #gmp
Everyone that is working on the #BTCZ blockchain is an unpaid volunteer who devoted their time and skills to a project they believe in.

#CodeNewbies #programming #coder #C #developers #coding #DEVCommunity #WomenWhoCode #students #highereducation #coders #BuildInPublic #BTCZ
Everyone that is working on the #BTCZ blockchain is an unpaid volunteer who devoted their time and skills to a project they believe in.

#CodeNewbies #programming #coder #C #developers #coding #DEVCommunity #WomenWhoCode #students #highereducation #coders #BuildInPublic #BTCZ