I've made it to the final section of the JS course by @jonasschmedtman following the most important parts pathway!

This section covers Asynchronous Javascript: Promises, Async/Await, and Ajax!

#100DayOfCode #BuildInPublic

Remember to thank the rubber duck for its valuable debugging insights. 🦆🔍

#BuildInPublic #100DayOfCode
Day 6:
I took a break cause i had to write my cc exams, and yh i passed my cc.. worked on the product detail page had alot of challenges, with axois when i was fetching the data, The data was being read before fetched so i had to work around.. #buildinpublic #100dayofcode
Hi, quick question to the #buildinpublic community:
Do you build your MVP yourself or ask someone on Upwork, freelancer etc. building it for you?

#nocode #100dayofcode #startup
Never forget to keep a healthy balance.

- Exercise
- Take breaks
- Go for a walk
- Get a good night's sleep
- Read a book
- Listen to a podcast

It's very important and helps you to stay consistent.

#100DayOfCode #code #100Devs #buildinpublic #python #javascript
Day 6 of #100dayofcode

Today I started DSA part of JAVA course
-Learnt binary search .
-Learnt Linear search .

#100daysofcode #buildinpublic #learninpublic
Day 37 of #100dayOfCode
This @LottieFiles animation works on a button click!!
Ha Ha..

The launching soon countdown times is on my GitHub is anyone wants to check that out.…
I have 3 side-projects to finish:

- website built in webflow
- websites built in wordpress
- of course @cutekits_

#buildinpublic #nocode #100dayOfCode
Are you a #developer have a #startup or #saas looking for more tools to embrace your project?

I’m building the perfect ToolBox with more than 150 links

This will be delivered in @NotionHQ

#buildinpublic #dev #100dayOfCode #nocode #Entrepreneur