#day5 of my #buildinpublic SaaS 🚴🏼‍♂️

Today I have implemented the FE features of the cart page:
1️⃣ Bike list
2️⃣ Quantity update
3️⃣ Cart item removal
4️⃣ Price computation
5️⃣ Checkout button

Try it, add some bikes to the cart, then go to this page: 🥳

#Day5 had a busy day today, due to a family event.

Still found sometime to learn about Blender hair. Didn't make anything lively today, made some grass.

I'm sure this will be quite helpful in future for making grass fields in Open World Games!

#buildinpublic #100DaysOfCode
#day5 of #100DaysOfCode

Learnt about github pages, css selectors, specificity and basic properties of css

Didn't do much DSA
#learningmode #buildinpublic
#Day5 of #100DaysOfCode
-Started project with C- "Swastik's Tour Cost Calculator" - calculate total tour cost of the destination. Spend full day coding the login page.
-Encouraged 2 people
#buildinpublic #LearnInPublic #programming #Coding
#Day4 and #Day5

Was able to complete sign up/in and user Core data input, but got stuck with build issue with Tailwind css. Still not able to resolve the issue Neither Google nor #ChatGPT was able to help.

Have posted on GitHub issues.

#buildinpublic #HustleGPT #100DaysOfGpt
#buildinpublic #Day5
Keep working on Sunday 💪💪
- Thinking about app UI
- Key shortcut for macOS app
Building the upcoming space feature next 🔥 Let me know in the comment what features you want me to build!

#Day5 #buildinpublic #indiehackers #Web3 #BTC #ETH #Crypto #NFT
#Day5 Empezando a planificar el desarrollo de una app para aplicar en nuestro trabajo:
.- Control de inventario
.- Control de gastos
.- Control de ventas + generación y envío de facturas
1er paso: definición de DATA TYPE & Fields
#40DaysofBubble #buildinpublic
#Day5 of nocode #buildinpublic. I did nothing because it's the weekend. Weekends are for family, friends and unfinished udemy courses 😉

🇫🇷 J’ai installé Prettier, EsLint, Husky et Tailwind css, je me suis ajouté en collaborateur

🇬🇧 I installed Prettier, EsLint, Husky and Tailwind css, I added myself as collaborator

#buildinpublic #Day5
Today is productive day.
- Learn use ref, tailwindcss
- Build frontend for a new project
today I built a CSAT flow in Whatsapp, where the responses get saved in @airtable, using Yalo Studio.

Celebrating the small wins. #day5 #buildinpublic #ODNC3
Finished #day5 of #100DaysOfCode in #python messed with for loops and made a random password generator.
#Day5 @shl's TME: Start, then learn.

It all comes down to building an audience. To turn your creativity into a business.

First ship something to people you care about.

Then, when you find a fit in a niche, charge for it.

Started on the landing page for the new project today, using ChakraUI which I do prefer over tailwind.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll post a screenshot with the update if I like it enough. Lol

#30daysofcode #buildinpublic #day5
#Day5 #buildinpublic with #NoCode

I played around with the colors a little bit, trying to finalize the color palette. Still not satisfied though. I'll probably head to @dribbble and @Behance for some inspiration 😇

Designing an app is tough!
#Day5 #buildinpublic with #NoCode

I played around with the colors a little bit, trying to finalize the color palette. Still not satisfied. I'll probably head to @dribbble/@Behance for inspiration 😇

Designing an app is though!
#buildinpublic Allura (Open source lights control app)

- I removed SCSS and CSS module
- The next goal is to remove Material UI
- More components written with #TailwindCSS
end of the day

- MaterialUI, SCSS and CSS module are gone
- My next goal is to implement a light group feature.
- I think I will use #tailwindcss for a new project, maybe with #Chakra
- 33 files updated with 263 additions and 480 deletions.
🐼 #day5 #buildinpublic of Pandro.

It's now possible to activate any tile using only the keyboard.

🎁 Tile of the day: "Shorten URL"

New features
✅ Pagination
✅ Activating tiles with numbers on your keyboard
✅ Nicer code formatting

#venturism30 #electron #automation
#day5 of #BuildInPublic. If for some reason you would see an opportunity on the horizon, not related purely with a SaaS product but still you'd be running your company - would you take it?

What if that opportunity could allow you to work on your product in future?
