Just finished: The Definitive Guide for Developing Project-Based Learning Modules in Engineering

Definitely time for a brew ☕️…

#highereducation #highered #CDIO #EWB #projectbasedlearning #buildinpublic
Another job down (ish).

Posted the design theme/logo n @Upwork. Results have generally been good on that platform, so looking forward to seeing what is produced.

#indiehacker #indiehackers #buildinpublic #buildinginpublic #academia #highereducation #CDIO
Everyone that is working on the #BTCZ blockchain is an unpaid volunteer who devoted their time and skills to a project they believe in.

#CodeNewbies #programming #coder #C #developers #coding #DEVCommunity #WomenWhoCode #students #highereducation #coders #BuildInPublic #BTCZ
Everyone that is working on the #BTCZ blockchain is an unpaid volunteer who devoted their time and skills to a project they believe in.

#CodeNewbies #programming #coder #C #developers #coding #DEVCommunity #WomenWhoCode #students #highereducation #coders #BuildInPublic #BTCZ