Added React Router with links, hashlinks and params to help navigate my site. Thanks to @bobziroll at @scrimba for the amazing course on it!

#soloproject #webdevelopers #html #css #javascript #javascriptdeveloper #buildinpublic #react #reactdeveloper #reactrouter #scrimba
Added React Router to my site. Able to click on projects in portfolio section and display a new project details page.

#soloproject #webdevelopers #html #css #javascript #javascriptdeveloper #motivation #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #react #reactdeveloper #github #reactrouter
Refactored my website to use React. Components are completed for main page. onClick, boolean, useState manage the hamburger menu.

#soloproject #webdevelopers #html #css #javascript #javascriptdeveloper #motivation #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #react #reactdeveloper #github
Able to generate random move sets for my Pokémon Scarlet pause screen project. Next task, move Pokémon from boxes to party.

#soloproject #webdevelopers #html #css #javascriptdeveloper #codingpractices #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #react #reactdeveloper #github #pokeapi
Finished basic layout with CSS. Using data from the @PokeAPI to add the pokemon stats. Current challenge is passing the data through to the correct components.

#soloproject #webdevelopers #html #css #javascriptdeveloper #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #react #reactdeveloper
Day 02:

💻DSA - Didn't do dsa , Studied for python exam end sem which is tomorrow

💻Web Dev - completed a javascript DOM project ( Dice Game )

💻 2nd PR merged for GSSOC'23 (level 1)

#development #javascriptdeveloper #dsa #buildinpublic #GSSOC23
Finished Advance React over at @scrimba . Went through how to use context, Router, custom hooks, useEffect and links among other topics.
#scrimba #webdevelopers #html #css #javascript #javascriptdeveloper #codingpractices #motivation #buildinpublic #reactdeveloper #react
Finished a Youtube Search Project. The goal of the project is to use the Youtube data API to access different channel IDs search for videos.

#scrimba #bootcamp #soloproject #webdevelopers #html #javascript #javascriptdeveloper #coding #motivation #buildinpublic #webdevelopment
✅I Completed a basketball scoreboard solo project from module 3 of @scrimba JavaScript course & is fully responsive on all screens.
Pushed to GitHub & Netlify 👇🏼

#tweet100 #LearnToCode #buildinpublic #CodeNewbie #scrimba #javascriptdeveloper
I made a password generator website as a part of @scrimba's JavaScript course

Use strong passwords and be safe online

See it in action here 👉

#tweet100 #LearnToCode #buildinpublic #CodeNewbie #scrimba #javascriptdeveloper
✅Completed a small implementation of blackjack game from @scrimba's JavaScript course

#tweet100 #LearnToCode #buildinpublic #CodeNewbie #scrimba #javascriptdeveloper
Your side project doesn't have to be the alternative

Pick something simple.

Build it. Ship it.

Everything else is procrastination.

#webdevelopment #coding #sideproject #startups #buildinpublic #100DaysOfCode #javascriptdeveloper #programmingisfun #codenewbie #devcommunity
If you're stuck coding and want a break without feeling bad for doing nothing, fix your promises! ".then().catch()" is too outdated for a developer of 2022.
Here an example:
#software #javascriptdeveloper #buildinpublic
As soon as the clock hits 12AM, I can feel my productivity increasing 😂.

#webdeveloper #productivity #codes #javascriptdeveloper #buildinpublic
Day 41

Making a project:

WazirX Profit calculator 🔥

✅ Build HTML UI

✅ code it in JavaScript

❎ working on DOM & EJS

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcodechallenge #GitHub #WebSummit #html #css #javascriptdeveloper #code #buildinpublic #crypto #wazirx @WazirXIndia
First video posted! Excited about this project! Follow me on the journey to getting 1k subscribers in one year!
#buildinpublic #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #codinglife #javascript #javascriptdeveloper…
I got my first web development client! 💪🏾🤝 we meet next Tuesday! So excited! Thank you Jesus! #100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #techtwitter #HTML #CSS3 #JavaScriptDeveloper