Even today, most companies ask about DSA skills, not just for freshers, but even for experienced professionals. 💼👩‍💻 But if you solely focus on DSA, it might become a hurdle when you join a company. 🚧

#faang #DSA #development #learninpublic #buildinpublic
Good Evening Beautiful people's 🙂❤️
I'm happy to share my journey of Solving Problems on @LeetCode  Today I marked 370 days of solving Questions 😍
#dsa #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #DataScientist #datastructure #algorithms #Python #javascript #java #100DaysOfCode #techtwitter
Days:101-111: Went through the whole book of DSA by Narasimha Karumanchi , Now i am familiar with of the techniques , Will work on some problems or take up a course . DSA is hard 😄
#100daysofcode #webdevelopment #365daysofcodechallenge #buildinpublic #DSA
Days:96-100: I undertook a small project utilizing Redux Toolkit, which significantly simplifies various aspects compared to traditional Redux.#Javascript #ReactJS #100daysofcode #webdevelopment #365daysofcodechallenge #buildinpublic
💻 Days 12-14 | Round 2 of #100DaysofCode:
-Learned about rendering lists and local mutation in React
-Also solved some DSA questions
-Dedicated some time to college minor project
📚 Resources used:
#React #DSA #learninpublic #buildinpublic #leetcode
Today's day went mostly with the DSA ✅

✅ DSA - Studied Recursion (sub-sequences, permutations,etc.,)

✅ Dev - Did a bit of NextJs and studies more concepts in NextJs v13.

#buildinpublic #dsa #developers
#Today I went to college and #study
👨‍💻 DFS , BFS in Data Structure
👨‍💻 SQL OPERATOR And Statements

#ThankYou Everyone for Your #Love and #Support We are now 300 #family
Let's Connect Learn Explore and Grow Together ❤️👨‍💻🚀
#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #dsa #leetcode #ai #Growth
Starting #30daysofcode from today.

I'll be doing pure DSA and leetcode.

I'll be sharing the updates with all of you on this journey and the resources I will follow.

Hopefully, by the end of the sprint, I'll have much to deliver and have learned much.
#buildinpublic #DSA
🙏🌟 Thank you all for the incredible love and support! 🥰
I have a special dare for you all! Let's aim for 500🎯 followers
💪 So, here's the challenge:
1️⃣ Retweet this post
2️⃣ Like and follow
3️⃣ Tag your friends
#100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #dsa #Python #java
📢 Announcement
Top MNC Company Ask Interview Questions About Bit Manipulation🚀
👇Here is one of the most asked questions on the interview ( #amazon #Microsoft #Google )

#dsa #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #leetcode #datastructure #Python #javascript #java #100daysofcode #cpp
💻Day 11 | R2 of #100DaysofCode:
-Learned about Conditionally rendering, Passing JSX as children
-Additionally, I dedicated time to solving recursion questions
📚Resources Used:
#React #DSA #learninpublic #buildinpublic #leetcode
Day 366 of #365DaysofCode 🤞Crossed My Limit of consistency 😉
Now My Next Target 🎯 #500 days of Code
🧑‍💻 Hope I cracked this and being consistent 🤞✨

#dsa #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #DataScientist #datastructure #algorithms #Python #javascript #java #100daysofcode
🚀🧑‍💻 Just had an awesome morning of learning! Spent 1.5 hours diving into the 0/1 #knapsack #problem. Solving challenging problems really got my brain working. 💡🎒
#100DaysOfCode #dsa #cse #dp #100daysofcodechallenge
#LearningJourney #buildinpublic #learning #Engineering
🚀🧑‍💻 Just had an awesome morning of learning! Spent 1.5 hours diving into the f0/1 knapsack problem. Solving challenging problems really got my brain working. 💡🎒
#100DaysOfCode #dsa #cse #dp #100daysofcodechallenge
#LearningJourney #buildinpublic #learning #Engineering
💻Day 5-7 | R2 of #100DaysofCode:
-Learned about forwarding props with the JSX spread syntax,Conditionally returning JSX
-Additionally, I dedicated time to solving ArrayList questions
📚Resources Used:
#React #DSA #learninpublic #buildinpublic #leetcode
💻Day 3-4| R2 of #100DaysofCode:
-Learned about JSX convertors, Specifying a default value for a prop, and Passing JSX as children...
-Additionally, I dedicated time to solving DSA questions.
📑Resources Used:
#React #DSA #learninpublic #buildinpublic
I'm starting my #100DaysOfCode journey today with an emphasis on learning DSA using the well-known Striver's DSA sheet! 💪💡

Goal: Establish a solid foundation in DSA while practicing, and leveling up my problem-solving abilities.🌟👩‍💻

#DSA #LearningInProgress #BuildInPublic
If you go by the 21 days rule Leetcoding is officially a habit now for me. Now I am finding it fun to solve problems and want to solve more and more. Hope I continue this habit. This streak and green boxes is kind of motivating.

#buildinpublic #DSA #leetcode #learninpublic
Day 14 of #100DaysOfCode I learnt about http status codes and basic express and tried my first leetcode medium that didn’t end well💀 #DSA #buildinpublic
For all the sorting problems on Leetcode which sorting algorithm should I use for easy problems ?
#DSA #leetcode #learninpublic #buildinpublic
Day 02:

💻DSA - Didn't do dsa , Studied for python exam end sem which is tomorrow

💻Web Dev - completed a javascript DOM project ( Dice Game )

💻 2nd PR merged for GSSOC'23 (level 1)

#development #javascriptdeveloper #dsa #buildinpublic #GSSOC23
Day 47-48 of #100daysofcodechallenge

☑️I was working on a client's website mainly so couldn't find time to study or work on whatsapp clone but I did solved 9 coding problems on Leetcode.

☑️ Also Learned about cors.
#buildinpublic #leetcode #dsa
Random YouTuber: you don't need data structures and algo for dev
Meanwhile Me: Using Linkedlist concept in my frontend work
#dsa #WorkFromHome #buildinpublic #FrontEnd
#Building #remotework
Day 73-74 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Practiced JavaScript localStorage by building Notes app
- Built Animated Neumorphism Loader using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 70-72 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Practiced React hooks by building News app
- Built Glowing Social Media Icons using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 71-75 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Solved Tree and Array problems on leetcode
- Built ChatGPT chat page clone using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic #ChatGPT
Day 68-69 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Revised JavaScript core concepts
- Built Neumorphism Card using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 67-70 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
✅ Solved Daily leetcode challenge
✅ Revised JavaScript core fundamentals
✅ Built Tesla Custom Order Page clone using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 67 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Learned how to render 3D models in a website using three.js

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic #threejs
Day 66 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
✅ Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
✅ Built Animated Neon Button using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 64-65 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Revised React core concepts
- Built Facebook Login Page clone using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 65-66 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
✅Solved Daily leetcode challenge
✅Solved Binary Search problems on leetcode
✅Revised some React and JavaScript fundamentals

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 62, 63 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
🟩 Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
🟩 Solved Arrays and Linked List problems
🟩 Revised JavaScript core concepts

#DSA #javascript #React #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 63-64 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
✅Solved Daily leetcode challenge
✅Solved Tree and Linked List problems on leetcode
✅Revised some JavaScript fundamentals

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 59-61 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Solved more DSA problems on LeetCode
- Built Instagram Login Page clone using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 60-62 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Solved Binary search problems on leetcode
- Built Nike Product Page clone using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
I wasn't expecting an O(n) solution to beat that percentage, and the algorithm is O(1), so how does it top only about 12% 🤔?

Day 87/100 - log 2
#coding #programming #100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #learninpublic #Javascript #DSA
The weekend is over 🚀🔥.
Started with a light 🌟 data structure problems.

Day 87/100
#coding #programming #100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #learninpublic #Javascript #DSA
Day 57-58 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Created mini project in JavaScript to practice
- Worked on my personal project

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 57-59 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Revised Data Structures and Algorithms
- Worked on my personal project
- Created mini project in React to practice

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 54-56 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Learned how to send data from one web page to another web page using React Router DOM
- Revised some React and JavaScript concepts

#Day56 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 55-56 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Learned to send data from one web page to another web page using NavLink
- Built Facebook Log in page clone using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic #HTML #CSS
Day 53 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Revised some React topics such as React Router DOM, React Context Api etc

#Day53 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 54 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Revised Tree Data Structure
- Revised some JavaScript & React concepts

#Day54 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 53 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Worked on my personal project
- Built a mini project to practice Firebase CRUD operations

#Day53 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 52 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Worked on my personal projects

#Day52 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 52 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Worked on my personal project
- Created Animated Navbar using HTML & CSS (check below 👇)

#Day52 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 51 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Attempted Today's Leetcode Weekly Contest
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Created custom search bar using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#Day51 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 49-51 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Revised some DSA topics
- Learned CRUD operations in firebase
- Built React firebase CRUD project
- Worked on my personal project

#DSA #leetcode #React #reactjs #buildinpublic
Day 48-50 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Created a mini project to practice Firebase CRUD operations
- Worked on my personal projects

#Day50 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 48 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Solved Tree problem on leetcode
- Learned how to add and update collections/documents in Firestore Database

#Day48 #DSA #leetcode #React #buildinpublic
Day 47 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Practiced Firebase CRUD operations

#Day47 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 46 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Learned how to add and update collections/documents in Firestore database
- Worked on my personal projects

#Day46 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 47 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Worked on my personal project

#Day47 #DSA #leetcode #React #buildinpublic
Day 46 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Solved Recursion problem on leetcode
- Worked on my personal project
- Learned React Context Api and useContext() hook

#Day46 #DSA #leetcode #React #buildinpublic
Day 45 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Learned React Context Api and useContext() hook
- Worked on my personal projects

#Day45 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 45 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Learned Firebase Auth, Firestore Database, Storage and Firebase hosting
- Created a small project to practice firebase

#Day45 #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic #reactjs
Day 44 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Learned Firestore Database and Firebase Storage
- Created a small practice project using Firebase

#Day44 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 43 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Learned Firebase Auth and Firestore Hosting
- Created product card using HTML and CSS (check below 👇)

#Day43 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 44 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Worked on my personal project
- Cloned google home page using html and css

#Day44 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 42 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Explored mixin in SCSS and refactored the code
- Solved Daily LeetCode challenge
- Solved 2 DSA problem

#Day42 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 43 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Solved BFS and Recursion problem on leetcode
- Explored mixin in SCSS and implemented in the project

#Day43 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 41 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Revised JavaScript and React concepts
- Worked on my personal projects

comment below what you worked on today 👇

#Day41 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
Day 42 of #100DaysOfCode

Here’s what i did ✨
- Solved Daily leetcode challenge
- Worked on my personal projects
- Revised some React and JavaScript concepts
- Explored SCSS

#Day42 #React #DSA #leetcode #buildinpublic
I worked for more than 12 hours today, it includes both Making The #AI video and Solving #DSA problems.

I will Make the lyrics for the video tommorow and hopefully upload it for the world to see, Probably 50 people gonna see it. 😅

#buildinpublic #techtwitter
View my achievements at LeetCode!

I’m excited to share my achievement in earning the 50 Days Badge 2022. An award for users for constantly solving problems in 2022.

#LeetCode2022 #LeetCode…

#Problemsolving #DSA #learninpublic #buildinpublic
Day 27 of #65DaysOfCode

- Got started with my new app (notes app) which will be in complete vanilla #javascript
- Solved 2 DSA questions

#dsa #tech #webdevelopment #frontend #code #buildinpublic
Day 18 of #65DaysOfCode

- Worked on Issue #3 of Task Manager App (to add localStorage for data persistence). Implemented a Bruteforce approach, and will be optimizing the code in the coming days.

- Solved 2 questions on stacks

Link in 👇
#frontend #DSA #buildinpublic #web
Day 7 of #65DaysofCode

- Built a Typing Test app in vanilla #javascript , which helps in determining the speed at which user types.

- Solved 2 #DSA questions

Link in 👇

#buildinpublic #web #webdevelopment #code #tech #Project #Software #softwaredevelopment #Frontend
Day 6 of #65DaysOfCode

- Working on a #javascript app, completed half of it. Will publish it tomorrow after completion.

- Solved 2 Recursion questions.

#javascript #dsa #coding #html #css #webdev #frontend #buildinpublic
"Quality is not an act, it is a habit."
― Aristotle
Day 100/100 of #100DaysOfCode
I learnt the merge sort algorithm.
#100daysofcodechallenge #DSA #python #LearnToCode #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #showyourwork
Two Sum Problem of Array in leet code.
Starting DSA again. Forget a lot of concepts.
#100DaysOfCode #dsa
Hii I 👋 am Lovish.
The Goal of August Month.
➡️Strong more Logic in javaScript by making Projects and understanding advanced concepts of #javascript.
➡️Continue the DSA.
#DSA #development #LearnInPublic #buildinpublic
#30DaysOfCode 🌸
Day 23 & 24:
🔹️binary tree
🔹️question on array and bfs
🔹️a coding quiz round
College reopening 🙂🙂
Toodles 👋

#100daysofcodechallenge #dsa #leetcode #Developers #buildinpublic
Day 21 & 22:
🔹️Problems on flood fill technique
🔹️binary tree, binary search tree


#100daysofcodechallenge #DSA #DEVCommunity #buildinpublic
Day 22 : #100DaysOfCode

Today's Learnings :

Learned about Binary Search Algorithm from @kunalstwt
Wrote a blog about what I learned.…

#DSAwithKunal #buildinpublic #DSA
Day 79:
->Coded 2 problems in @LeetCode
-> did dome implementation on Merge Sort
->Did concepts on Tree traversals and Threaded Trees
->TREES in #Algorithms in #DSA
#100DaysOfCode #AI #Software #Developer #Contest #buildinpublic #productivity