Working on updating a past project with React: Tindog app from @scrimba. I used components, conditional rendering and the useEffect hook to help change the data.

#soloproject #webdevelopers #html #css #javascript #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #react #reactdeveloper #scrimba
Added React Router with links, hashlinks and params to help navigate my site. Thanks to @bobziroll at @scrimba for the amazing course on it!

#soloproject #webdevelopers #html #css #javascript #javascriptdeveloper #buildinpublic #react #reactdeveloper #reactrouter #scrimba
Added React Router to my site. Able to click on projects in portfolio section and display a new project details page.

#soloproject #webdevelopers #html #css #javascript #javascriptdeveloper #motivation #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #react #reactdeveloper #github #reactrouter
Refactored my website to use React. Components are completed for main page. onClick, boolean, useState manage the hamburger menu.

#soloproject #webdevelopers #html #css #javascript #javascriptdeveloper #motivation #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #react #reactdeveloper #github
Next challenge: remove Pokémon being transferred to the party from the box that it was originally stored in. If party is full, replace that Pokémon in the party and return it to the boxes.

#soloproject #html #css #javascript #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #reactdeveloper #github
Able to generate random move sets for my Pokémon Scarlet pause screen project. Next task, move Pokémon from boxes to party.

#soloproject #webdevelopers #html #css #javascriptdeveloper #codingpractices #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #react #reactdeveloper #github #pokeapi
Finished basic layout with CSS. Using data from the @PokeAPI to add the pokemon stats. Current challenge is passing the data through to the correct components.

#soloproject #webdevelopers #html #css #javascriptdeveloper #buildinpublic #webdevelopment #react #reactdeveloper
Finished a Youtube Search Project. The goal of the project is to use the Youtube data API to access different channel IDs search for videos.

#scrimba #bootcamp #soloproject #webdevelopers #html #javascript #javascriptdeveloper #coding #motivation #buildinpublic #webdevelopment
Finished an Invoice Creator project. The biggest challenge was getting the correct item to remove when I clicked on it's 'remove' button.

#scrimba #bootcamp #soloproject #webdevelopers #html #css #javascript #codingpractices #motivation #buildinpublic #webdevelopment
Finished a Chore List solo project. Biggest challenge, finding a way to identify each individual chore item so that it could be removed on it's own.

#scrimba #bootcamp #soloproject #webdevelopers #html #css #javascript #codingpractices #motivation #buildinpublic #webdevelopment
El fin de semana pasado hice un repaso general a todo escribiendo issues en GitHub.

Después separé entre MVP y Nice to have.

Hoy, la lista dentro de MVP pinta tal que así:

