Michael Schildwachter Vancouver Day 19 of #100DaysOfCode #webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs #java #developer #cd9 #programmer
➡️ Learnt about break and continue statements
🔸 Break statements terminate the loop
🔸 Continue statements skips the current
Michael Schildwachter Day 6 of #100daysofcode ✅ learned
✔ Borders

✔ Margins

✔ Padding

✔ height/width

✔ outline

✅ creating a registration page

✅ known about binary search algorithm from @NandanBilagi
#webdevelopment #buildinpublic
Day 3/100 of #100DaysOfCode Michael Schildwachter Learning about color theory and stuff its a little difficult but i will surely get grasp on it by practicing. #webdevelopment #buildinpublic #learninpublic #MiMOc #nodejs