Day 1 - #100daysofbuilding

Completed Home page of app using static data.

Completed authentication using #AwsAmplify and #cognito

This week targeting to code User profile using static data and explore API

Excited to share my latest blog post on Mind Mantle, where I explain how I'm building the app using AWS SAM, Cognito, and React. Check it out and let me know what you think!…
#serverless #AWS #React #dynamodb #cognito #buildinpublic #indiehackers
Question for today: with AWS Cognito, what is the limit of refresh tokens you can generate for a user? I have a use case where a user might login from different device and I don't know what is the limit. Anybody? #AWS #Cognito #buildinpublic #SaaS
Found the issue: package amazon_cognito_identity_dart_2 was outdated and I needed a new #JavaScript method called "jsBigIntModPow". I thought something was wrong with #Cognito but it wasn't. Life is good again. #Saas #buildinpublic