After a long time wrote an awesome article on my website on the topics:
Beginner Guide: How to Troubleshoot a network issue
Checkout form the below link:…
#networking #DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics
Completed few more topics in Aws CloudFormation. below topics I covered today.
1️⃣ Change SET
2️⃣ More use case of Intrinsic Function
3️⃣ Mapping and Parameters
4️⃣ Outputs from Stack…
#DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics
Done with the Morning Study Session. Started Aws CloudFormation. Learn few topics about that.
1️⃣ How to create Stack
2️⃣ Intrinsic function
3️⃣ Tried those code and push those in GitHub…
#DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics
Completed few more AWS topics today, feeling lazy a bit so did not cover lots of topics
1️⃣ EFS - Elastic File System
2️⃣ Auto Scaling Group
3️⃣ S3 - Simple Storage Service
#DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics
Started AWS Today in the Devops Journey. Completed the below topics:
1️⃣ EC2 - Elastic Cloud compute
2️⃣ EBS - Elastic Block Storage
3️⃣ EBS Snapshot
4️⃣ ELB - Elastic Load Balancer
5️⃣ CloudWatch
#DevOps #DevOpswithkunal #buildinpublic #100daysofcloud #awsbasics

After a long time write a awesome article on the my blog.

Checkout from the below link…

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

Attend a awesome video by @kunalstwt and @FrancescoCiull4

Got lots about the Devops and how we can build career on it. If you want to start with the devops must have video.…

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

👉Started my kubernetes CKA course again and learn below things today

✅Kube Scheduler
✅Kube Proxy

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic
Working and understating about the NFT, Its been 2 month.

Finally created my final Sem Project

Specials Thanks @dabit3, For creating awesome content in blockchain.

Its looks exactly like what @dabit3 created in the his video.
#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic
Wrote an awesome article on website, please checkout the article from the from below link

✅What is a Kubernetes deployment

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic
Post a awesome video on YouTube, Checkout from the below link

✅Pods with Yaml | How to create the pod with the help of Yaml
#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic
Wrote an awesome article on website, please checkout the article from the from below link

✅What is replication controller in kubernetes?

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic
Post a awesome video on YouTube, Checkout from the below link

✅What is Yaml | Basic Syntax | DevOps | Introduction to YAML


#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic
Post a awesome video on YouTube, Checkout from the below link

✅How to mount the file system in linux | Ubuntu Server


#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic
Wrote an awesome article on website, please checkout the article from the from below link

✅How to install the ubuntu server on VirtualBox

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

✅Started preparing for the CKA, will start my learning and sharing from tomorrow

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

✅Absolute beginner content for Kubernetes is out in twitter

✅Lots of great things and examples are cover in it

✅Will create a blog post including all these tweets

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic


👉The ClusterIP is the default service type. Kubernetes will assign an internal IP address to your service.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic


👉This service type works when you are using a cloud provider to host your Kubernetes cluster. The cluster will contact the cloud provider and create a load balancer.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic


👉This is one of the service types that are used when you want to enable external connectivity to your service.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

✅What is kubernetes Services
An abstract way to expose an application running on a set of Pods as a network service.

✅Types of kubernetes Services
👉Node Port
👉Culture ip
👉Load Balancer

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

✅Today I learnt about the Services in kubernetes, so today will discus about the
❓What is kubernetes Services
❓Types of kubernetes Services

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

✅Wrote awesome blog article on Pods with Yaml Checkout form the below link


#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

✅Learn about the kubernetes deployment

will share my learning shortly.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux #devops

✅What is Deployment ?
👉A Deployment runs multiple replicas of your application and automatically replaces any instances that fail or become unresponsive.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

✅What is Stateless applications?
👉Stateless applications are applications which do not store data or application state to the cluster or to persistent storage.
#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

✅Updating Deployments
There are two try of Deployments updates technique we have
👉Rolling update

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

👉In this approach all the current running pod will go down and update simultaneously and one update it will come online.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

✅Rolling update
👉In this approach one pod will go through the update and update once it up then other pod will go for update so there will be no downtime.

it is the default way of update.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

✅Write an awesome article on Kubernetes deployment. It will publish on below date
⏰Nov 16, 2021 at 19:00

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

👉Overall a awesome day, Learn about the replication controller and share my learning in twitter

👉with that also wrote an article in my website and schedule a video in YouTube

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux #devops

✅ Important commands for replication controller

👉kubectl delete replicaset <replicaset name> (using this command you can delete any replicaset)

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

✅ Important commands for replication controller

👉Kubectl get replicaset (this command will list all the replicaset in the system)

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

✅ Important commands for replication controller

👉kubectl describe replicationcontrollers <replication controller name> (using this command you can check the specification of any replicaset)

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

✅ Important commands for replication controller

👉kubectl apply -f <yaml file name> (Command using which you can create a replicaset from yaml file)

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

✅ We can create the replication controller using Yaml and it will looks something like below

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

✅ Replica set is kind of new version of replication controller

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

✅If any pod will crash the new pod will build with the help of the replication controller

✅Using the replication controller we archive HA and load balancing

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

Today I learnt about the replication controller
So now let's me share my thought on that

✅When we are in the clustered environment multiple pods are running in multiple pod to handle load

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

✅Simple Pod Definition yaml file to create a ngnix pod

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

✅Important commands:
👉kubectl describe <Pod name>(this pod is used to get the details about the pod)
👉kubectl delete pod <Pod name>(using this pod we can delete the pod)

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

✅Important commands:
👉kubectl apply -f <yml file name> (This command is used to create the pod using the yaml file)
👉kubectl get pod(This command is used to list the all the current pod in the node)

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

What is metadata?
✅This is the data about the object that we need to create the kubernetes. It contain 2 field name and label

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

What is kind?
✅This is the type of the object that we need to create.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

What is apiversion?
✅This is the kubernetes version that we use for the deployment of the kind.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

Important attributes to create a yaml file

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

Example of Dictionary/Maps in Yaml?
(Unordered Collection)
-Calories: 105gm
-Fat: 0.4gm
-Carbs: 27gm

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

Example of Array/List in Yaml?
(Ordered Collection)

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

Example of Key Value pair in Yaml?
Fruit: Apple
vegetable: Carrot
Liquid: Water
Meat: Mutton

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

Element of Yaml?
✅Key Value pair
✅Array List
✅Dictionary /Map

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

What is Yaml?
✅It is data serialization Language
✅Used to write config files
✅Stands for Yet Another Markup Language

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

So finally installed the @PrometheusIO @grafana into my home server

its took my one day but its awesome will try the different dashboard of #grafana
#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

Super excited today created my first Linux container using #Docker
#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

✅Find out an awesome Linux utility #aria2 its like the IDM on CMD.

✅you can download anything in your #Linux Machine in a very cool way.

check the utility from below link

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

✅Find out an awesome Linux utility #aria2 its like the IDM on CMD.

✅you can download anything in your #Linux Machine in a very cool way.

check the utility from below link

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

✅Find out an awesome Linux utility #aria2 its like the IDM on CMD.

✅you can download anything in your #Linux Machine in a very cool way.

check the utility from below link

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic

So finally in learning Linux I install my home server successfully and its too much fun.
✅ Plex
✅ Install Pi Hole (Checking for the DNS setup in the router)
✅ Transferring movies to my server 😂

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #linux

again installing #Ubuntu Server and setting up the @plex and @pihole..

once finished will inform.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic
So today no #Kubernetes, setting up the #Pihole in my home network and while uninstalling it uninstall core services of the Linux and now nothing is working.

Did some work around but no luck.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic
Awesome concepts are
✅ Etcd in detail
✅ Etcdctl
✅ Kubeapi server
✅ Kube controller manager
✅ Node controller
✅ Replication controller

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #Kubernetes

Today I learn lots of concept but in detail.

I already know about the term from beginners course but it's too much fun to learn about those concept in detailed.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #Kubernetes
Learning in depth about the kubernetes etcd
✅ It is key value store
✅ It simple, secure and fast
✅ Its hold all the critical information that's a distributed system need.

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #Kubernetes
Get set go for
👉 Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)
#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #Kubernetes
So finally after 15 days complete the

👉Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginner
course by @mmumshad, there are great learning from that course.

Now planning for
👉 Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #Kubernetes
So finally after 15 days complete the

👉 Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginner
course by @mmumshad, there are create learning from that course.

Now planning for
👉 Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #Kubernetes
✅ Learn Today about the deployment
✅ How we can create
✅ Also understand the difference between deployment and Replicas
✅ also checked the update of deployment using Yaml and edit cmd
#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #Kubernetes
Today I learn how we can create the pod. We can create the pod by the two way using the yml file and other one is command line.
🔥kubectl apply -f <yml file name>
🔥kubectl run <podname>--image=<image name>
#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #Kubernetes
Some more about the pods, I learned today.
🔥 Its a smallest object in #Kubernetes
🔥 Its contains Docker of our images/Apps
🔥 Its a Single instances of an App
#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic
When you study while travelling.
Thats have there own flex 💪
#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #Kubernetes #buildinpublic
Learn about how we can scale and scale down the repliaset and here are few important commands.
🔥 kubectl get replicaset
🔥 kubectl get pod
🔥 kubectl get replicaset
🔥 kubectl get pods
#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #Kubernetes
Learn about the labels and selector today how we can use these in the replicaset

#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #Kubernetes
Learn about the replicaset and replication controller today and understand how we can achieve the high availability using these and also there deference.
#100DaysOfCode #100daysofcloud #buildinpublic #Kubernetes
I just released a sneak preview of new version of @tracardi that is due in 2 weeks. Looking for dev contributors. #nocode #lowcode #buildinpublic #buildinginpublic #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfCloud #OpenSource