💻 Days 12-14 | Round 2 of #100DaysofCode:
-Learned about rendering lists and local mutation in React
-Also solved some DSA questions
-Dedicated some time to college minor project
📚 Resources used:
#React #DSA #learninpublic #buildinpublic #leetcode
💻Day 11 | R2 of #100DaysofCode:
-Learned about Conditionally rendering, Passing JSX as children
-Additionally, I dedicated time to solving recursion questions
📚Resources Used:
#React #DSA #learninpublic #buildinpublic #leetcode
💻Day 5-7 | R2 of #100DaysofCode:
-Learned about forwarding props with the JSX spread syntax,Conditionally returning JSX
-Additionally, I dedicated time to solving ArrayList questions
📚Resources Used:
#React #DSA #learninpublic #buildinpublic #leetcode
💻Day 3-4| R2 of #100DaysofCode:
-Learned about JSX convertors, Specifying a default value for a prop, and Passing JSX as children...
-Additionally, I dedicated time to solving DSA questions.
📑Resources Used:
#React #DSA #learninpublic #buildinpublic
💻Day 78-79 of the #100DaysOfCode:
Using Javascript, I developed a text tone analyzer project.
In order to analyze the tone of the text, I used an API.
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #javascript30 #CSS #API
💻Day 77 of the #100DaysOfCode:
-Created a Countdown project by using JavaScript
-As well as practicing some DSA questions in Java
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #CSS3 #Java #html5 #javascript
💻Day 75-76 of the #100DaysOfCode:
-Make a Tab project by using JavaScript
-As well as practicing some DSA questions in Java
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #CSS3 #Java #html5 #javascript
💻Day 74 of the #100DaysOfCode:
-Using JavaScript, create a scroll project.
-And also practiced some DSA questions in Java
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #CSS3 #Java #html5 #javascript
Days 65-70 of #100DaysOfCode:
Apologies for the lack of tweets lately, been busy attending Python + DSA classes in college. However, I'm still dedicated to learning and can't wait to update everyone on my progress
#LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #CSS3 #Java #html5
Days 62-64 of #100DaysOfCode:
-Built custom pause/play buttons using JavaScript for seamless control of background videos with preloading functionality
-Also practiced some binary search DSA questions in Java
#LearnInPublic #buildinpublic #CSS3 #Java #html5 #javascript
💻Day 61 of the #100DaysOfCode:
-Working on a JavaScript project that allows the user to play and pause background video
-I have recently earned my Responsive Web Design certification at @freeCodeCamp
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #CSS3 #Java #html5 #javascript
💻Day 59-60 of the #100DaysOfCode:
-Build a menu with filters using JavaScript.
-I have completed the Responsive Web Design Certification from @freeCodeCamp.
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #CSS3 #Java #html5 #javascript
💻Day 57-58 of the #100DaysOfCode:
-Completed my Landing Page project for @freeCodeCamp Responsive Design Certification.
- Looking forward to tackling more projects
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #css3 #Java #html5
💻Day 55-56 of the #100DaysOfCode:
-Currently working on a landing page for @freeCodeCamp Web Design Certification. Still need to add some Media queries.
-In addition, I practiced some ArrayList questions using Java
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #css3 #Java #html5
💻Day 53-54 of the #100DaysOfCode challenge:
-Created a FAQ Section and Pop-up window using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
-Working on a landing page for @freeCodeCamp Web Design Certification.
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #javascript30
#html5 #css3
💻Day 50-52 of the #100DaysOfCode challenge:
-Created a dropdown and sidebar menu using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Currently working on the product landing page for the @freeCodeCamp Web Design Certification.
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #javascript30
#html5 #css3
💻Day 48-49 of the #100DaysOfCode challenge:
-Developed "Reviews" project and also started creating a drop-down menu using JavaScript
-In addition, I practiced some ArrayList questions using Java
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #javascript30
#html5 #css3
💻Day 47 of the #100DaysOfCode challenge:
-Created a Random color generator & Unit convertor with HTML, CSS & Javascript
-This week I will be working on a few more JavaScript mini-projects to reinforce my knowledge of JS
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #javascript30
#html5 #css3
💻Day 45-46 of #100DaysOfCode :
-Created a Documentation page using HTML and CSS as part of the Responsive Web Design Certification from freeCodeCamp.
-Learned about higher-order functions in JS
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #javascript30 #css3
💻Day 44 of #100DaysOfCode :
-Build an extension for Chrome using JavaScript
-Learned about JavaScript modules and the Web Storage API.
-Also started with higher-order functions
#LearninPublic #buildinpublic #javascript #CSS3