Finished with go-lib to create tracking URLs & short links using Cloudflare KV and Dynamo DB.
Onto Cloudflare workers.

#urltracker #urlshortener #buildinpublic
I made a very simple URL shortener for personal use, and thought it might as well be public - have at it, it's free.

#shareinpublic #buildinpublic #urlshortener #idkwhyimaddinghashtags
Pushed an update to for the first time after a while. I think the MVP is just about done! #buildinpublic #SaaSdeveloper #urlshortener
Currently building a url Shortener and wondering what kind of features would you like to have in a URL shortener? URL routing base on criteria, Analytics, ...?

@heybereket you might have some ideas? ☺️

#buildinpublic #urlshortener #url #link