Are you building with #chatgpt and Chatbots? Here are a few ways to remove hallucinations from your output for the #buildinpublic

#stabilityai #gpt #chatgpt #openai #guidance #microsoft @promptbase #promptengineering #chatgpt @AnthropicAI @jeffr_yyy
I generated an animation today with Stable Animation and #StableDifussion #buildinpublic

An animation SDK released by #StabilityAI Today…

What uses do you see for #aianimation ?
This can generate some funny financial stories so we can be prepared for the worst 😅… #fundalytica #buildinpublic #stabilityai
Trying out StabilityAi and Dalle-E 2 for Image Generation but can't get the people to look quite right.
Any Tips?

#ChatGPT #StabilityAI #DallE2 #AI #buildinpublic