Just a little trailer here for my I built for #HalfDayBuild

If you can share it with somebody you know that could be interested in AI Art, I'll appreciate it!

#aiart #stabledifussion #buildinpublic
The Stable Diffusion image generator limit is now doubled. I also doubled the limit on the free plan.

#Metrotechs #stabledifussion #buildinpublic
I generated an animation today with Stable Animation and #StableDifussion #buildinpublic

An animation SDK released by #StabilityAI Today…

What uses do you see for #aianimation ?
Learning to hack prompts to create presets for trained #stabledifussion ..

Things get weird quick!!

There's SOO many use cases - both commercially viable and just fun.

We're hoping to release a nice UI so you can do the same soon!
