📢 Announcing the release of Strong Karma 🚀, a new app that helps you focus and meditate. It is built using @pointfreeco's Composable Architecture, which makes it incredibly fast and efficient.
Download for FREE at:

#buildinpublic #iosdev #swiftlang
What's the coolest app you've built or contributed to?
Let's share and inspire each other to create amazing experiences for users. 🚀📱

#iOSdevelopment #appdevelopment #tech #buildinpublic #iosdev #swiftlang
@splinetool is really fun so far. No tutorials just exploring how it works. The UX is amazing btw.
#3dmodeling #setup #learning #ReactJS #buildinpublic
Let's help Florian hit the goal before 2023. His #videos about #iOS #widgets are amazing btw.

#iOSDev #swiftlang #buildinpublic #YouTube
It's my goal to get monetized on Youtube in these last two months of 2022. Let's see if I can do it.

My previous goal was to earn 1 Cent from my channel, which I fulfilled through my latest (sponsored) video. 🥳

Check out my brand new website which I developed using #Nextjs and #tailwindcss. As a mobile engineer it was fun to explore web technologies.
Any feedback is highly appreciated.

#buildinpublic #indiedev #iosdev #webdevelopment