Made my first Sale for an expensive digital product in 2022! 🎉🥂🍾 (Price starting at $699)

Learn more about my product, a Next.js SaaS Starter Kit.

Hope it's only the beginning!

#indiehackers #buildinpublic
After 5 months of launch, Google now ranks my website at the 1st position for my targeted keyword! 🥳🍾🎉

#SEO #buildinpublic
🔥 Next.js Boilerplate has reached 1000+⭐ stars on GitHub!

✅ NextJS 12
✅ React 17
✅ TypeScript
✅ Tailwind CSS 2
✅ ESLint
✅ Prettier
✅ VSCode
✅ One-click deploy @Netlify and @vercel…

#GitHub #nextjs #reactjs #100DaysOfCode #webdev #buildinpublic
A new article on How To Set Up Chakra UI with Next JS and create a Hero component with it.

#nextjs #reactjs #Javascript #100DaysOfCode #webdev #buildinpublic…
MERN stack alternative for Serverless world, the DERN stack:

- @dynamodb
- Express JS
- React
- Node JS

#buildinpublic #aws…
Reached 500+⭐ stars on GitHub for my Free Next JS Starter Template:

🔥 Next JS 11
🎉 TypeScript 4.4
⚛️ React 17
🎨 Tailwind CSS
✏️ ESLint
🦊 Husky
🗂 VSCode
🖱️ One click deploy…

#nextjs #reactjs #Javascript #100DaysOfCode #webdev #buildinpublic
Just made a new Landing Page with Next.js, React, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.

Open to any feedbacks.

#react #buildinpublic #showdev
Just published my article about my tech stack to build a SaaS in 2021 as a team of One-Man with Next JS and AWS #buildinpublic #AWS #webdev…
A free and open-source React Landing Page Template with:

❤️ NextJS 11
🔥 React 17
✨ TypeScript
🎨Tailwind CSS 2
✏️ ESLint
🗂 VSCode + Debugging
🖱️ One-click deploy…

#nextjs #reactjs #Javascript #100DaysOfCode #webdev #buildinpublic #Frontend
I made a Free and Open-Source NextJS Starter Template with:

❤️ NextJS 11
🔥 React 17
✨ TypeScript
🎨Tailwind CSS 2
✏️ ESLint
🗂 VSCode + Debugging
🖱️ One-click deploy

#nextjs #reactjs #Javascript #100DaysOfCode #webdev #buildinpublic…