Tech twitter, please am in need of an alternative backend manager software like HYIP manager pro for Reactjs or JavaScript framework developers. #DEVCommunity #javascript #100DaysOfCode #buildinpublic #Developer #webdev
There over 7 Engeering role available @opensea, for the love of everything cool apply, all roles are remote. The culture in the company is awesome.
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We need to ramp up hiring at OpenSea. We are 37 people handling 98% of all NFT volume.

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Yooo am still getting my hands dirty with React styled-component I might be dropping what I have learnt soon, share helpfull link j would love to read more. #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbies #buildinpublic #development #Webdesign #techtwitter
As a frontend dev, when building website that requires a lot of reusable components, which one do you prefer, Styled-componets or tailwindcss ?
#FrontEnd #Webdesign #webdeveloper #DEVCommunity #development #buildinpublic #CodeNewbie #100DaysOfCode