Remember, we are still accepting beta testers into our waitlist! Join from the link in bio.
Presenting the super early version of Stemble: / #buildinpublic

Here are a few things you should notice & try:
- the landing page
- the light/dark mode toggle
- the option to chat using your favourite scientist's name as an alias
Yesterday's event was a blast! 🀩

We had a highly intellectual discussion on UFOs, Extraterrestrial life & life in general. It went on for 2 hours!!

What should we discuss next?
We did it!! 100 discord members. πŸŽ‰
We aim to have 100 members in @stemble_'s discord server before we launch MVP 1.0 by the first week of August, IA. Let's do this @BtrCallSaud πŸ’ͺ.
S - Science
T - Technology
E - Engineering
M - Mathematics
B -
L -
E - those who are curious πŸ’­
R -
S -

10 more to go & we'll hit our goal of having 100 discord members before our MVP is released.. πŸ’«
Little change in plan. Video chat UI and functionality in-progress. #buildinpublic #uidesign
People in our discord are already excited to have discussions - so we've scheduled a meet-up this Sunday at 10:30 PM IST. You are welcome:…
We are aiming to finish this by 21/7/22. Then we'll start the work on Video Chat Functionality πŸ“Ή. 3/3
Next up is Text Chat Functionality πŸ’¬

Text chat and video chat functionalities will be built using PeerJS, which has built-in WebRTC functionalities, for peer-to-peer communication. 1/3
The brokering server will be deployed to handle traffic and matchmaking, wherein two users, who want to talk about the same thing, will be getting connected through a P2P connection. This means that it is a private end-to-end communication. No peeking! 2/3
Presenting... the Landing Page UI for the MVP!
Here's the initial UI for our MVP designed by @BtrCallSaud
The tech stack being used to build Stemble is:

πŸ’» Front-end development
- ReactJS
- Bootstrap, Tailwind & custom CSS

βš™ Back-end development
- WebSocket API
- ExpressJS

On July 2nd, @iamHammadNasir came up with the idea of building Omegle like site for discussing physics and posted about it in the r/PhysicsStudents subreddit. Got some really positive response & the idea to build a discord server for those who are interested. #buildinpublic