What is our latest banner trying to convey?

#Stemble #buildinpublic
So happy to make this announcement! Maker community - please help me test it out. 😁
#buildinpublic #stemble #STEMeducation
📢 An announcement 📢

Stemble Beta V3 is out!
* added video chat
* fixed UI and UX
* /about & /branding added
* footer added
* text and video chat both side by side
* Keyword suggestion in chat for conversation starters

Try now 🟣

Just had a chat with a budding Entrepreneur on Stemble! Got some really nice & intuitive feedback.

The best part? He heard about Stemble from his friend - word of mouth, baby!✨

#buildinpublic #stemble #stem #entrepreneur #usertesting #wordofmouthmarketing #organicgrowth
Just had another intellectual chat with one of our discord members on @Stemble_! This guy is amazing & is working on some really cool experiments with Arduino & Raspberry pi. #buildinpublic #stemble