I have completed my 7th day on my open source project in which I redesign Nasa's Astronomy Picture of the Day. Hope you can join me on my adventures!

Github =>…

DEV =>…

#DEVCommunity #ReactJS #Coding #buildinpublic #API
I’ll put a hold on the Open Source Project and documenting on #DEVCommunity. I have some things to complete irl. Thank you for your understanding.
I’ll be more quick with the updates for future preferences. More updates for the redesign of NASA’s APOD.
#OpenSource #buildinpublic
Day 6 in Redesigning Nasa's Astronomy Picture of the Day is FINALLY OUT! Check out the 6th iteration of this project and uncover new info!

Github =>…

DEV =>…

#DEVCommunity #ReactJS #Coding #uidesign #buildinpublic #API #FrontEnd
Day 4 - Redesigning Nasa's Picture of the Day Webpage is complete. The time I have surpassed my overall expectations, with resources provided of course.

Github =>…

DEV =>…

#DEVCommunity #ReactJS #Coding #uidesign #buildinpublic
Here's what Nasa's POD looks like:

On the left is Day 3's navigation while on the right is a sneak peek at Day 4's post which will soon come out. Stay Tuned for that!

Day 3 =>…

Github =>…

#React #ReactJS #Coding #buildinpublic
I forgot to post this, but this is what the project made in @figma will look like. This is for the Nasa POD site I am redesigning.

📚 More Info Here:…

#ReactJS #React #buildinpublic #figma #nasa
Just Kicked off Day 1 in coding this project. I have moved on to making this site while providing some resources and tools I have used to develop this site.

Day 3 is now complete!!… #React #NASA #Coding #buildinpublic #figma #design
Day 2 in redesigning Nasa's Astronomy Picture of the Day webpage is complete! Today was interesting and found something cool in the design. This time things did go well.… #React #NASA #Coding #buildinpublic #figma #design
Day 1 in redesigning Nasa's Astronomy Picture of the Day webpage is complete! What a great start I'm off to!… #React #NASA #Coding #buildinpublic
I'll create a project to make the Astronomy Picture of the Day site look more attractive, approachable and interactive! I'll be documenting my work and leave it open source!… #React #NASA #Coding #buildinpublic