Made a second video that compliments my first video and is a great stand alone video. Ever hear of "atomic videos"?…

#buildinpublic #Zettelkasten
Posted a new video on how to publish your @obsdmd notes with @nextjs and @tailwindcss
ZenPKM #buildinpublic Update:
12 conversions 👉15%…

Thanks so much @Todoist guys: today you helped me to give some visibility to ZenPKM 🙏

#pkm #secondbrain #zettelkasten #SaaS #nocode #startup
ZenPKM #buildinpublic Update:
38 views & 5 conversions…

"I've the same exact problem you described and I'm super curious to hear more about your idea, as I was thinking in the same direction"
#pkm #secondbrain #zettelkasten #para
#SaaS #nocode
Writing is fun.

But staring at a blank page sucks.

Save yourself the pain by taking better notes.

Here’s how: Take Smart Notes

And catch the rest of the series on a Digital Zettelkasten in these walkthroughs.

Wow! I can actually use the product I'm building. Sure, there's lot of features to get, but this is a demo of what it does and what it's about.
#buildinpublic #zettelkasten #smartnotes
Woo! I am feature complete with adding/renaming/removing collection for @flowtelic. Just need to do the testing and should be good to update

Now I need 😴

#buildinpublic #zettelkasten #notetaking
I just launched collections in @flowtelic—my zettelkasten note taking app! Woo!
Here's the launch video.…
#buildinpublic #Zettelkasten
Sneak peek of what I've been working on—the ability to download your notes collection as a zip file containing Markdown exports. Data portability for any note taking app is critical.
#buildinpublic #zettelkasten
I just launched a crucial feature on Safely backup your notes to a zip file of markdown. This removes the barrier to invest in putting all my notes into @flowtelic knowing that I can back them up!
#Zettelkasten #buildinpublic
I've written up my thoughts about why I'm *not* going to be building what you'd think I should be building for my Zettelkasten note-taking app.…
#buildinpublic #Zettelkasten
Building a side project is a long road. I've created a little roadmap dashboard, but not about features, about outcomes for the product. I'll keep updating this as I go.
#buildinpublic #Zettelkasten
New Feature Launched! 🚀

You can now import your markdown files into a collection on!

Don't forget, you can join the email waitlist at

#buildinpublic #zettelkasten
A happy accident. I'm using element.scrollIntoView() when you select a note in the list (ideal for keyboard navigation), but it turns out the way my views sync via the providers, it also scrolls the selected item when navigating between notes.
#buildinpublic #Zettelkasten
New Feature Live 🎉! You can curate top level cards by making them an Index Note, then link to the related notes—thus making your #Zettelkasten note-taking system super easy.

Want to follow the journey and try it out?

A few designs for Focus Mode in @flowtelic. The idea is that you get daily recommendations of what to work on. Organising, studying, etc. It's about batching the workload to do a small amount consistently.
#buildinpublic #zettelkasten