Sometimes i let myself procrastinate
I repeat to myself out loud why I started, I set up a Pomodoro session..

And the feeling of satisfaction after taking a small step forward is incredible 🔥
Yes it just happened 😄

#KeepGoing #buildinpublic #StepByStep
Parfois c'est google qui m'envoie des encouragements. Parfois c'est un site "concurrent" qui me contacte pour qu'on discute.

#StepByStep #buildinpublic
They say the first step is the hardest. They're right. It took me more than a week to start this Twitter account.
I share with you on this 🧵 what helped me set up my account and the resources I've used, to make your journey easier.

#buildinpublic #StepByStep #Guide #notion
@mattli8020 Every win is a win! I have now 53 free web utils online. All startet with one simple thing: /timestamp for converting unix timestamps to human readable. #buildinpublic #stepbystep #learnstuffeveryday
Lo primero que he hecho ha sido quitar una automatización que tenía en Metricool para que se publicasen de forma automática artículos de mi blog. Ahora cuando publique algún artículo, será porque yo esté detrás de ello.

#buildinpublic #stepbystep