And that's it! With Flask-SQLAlchemy, you can quickly and easily integrate a SQL database into your Flask web applications. for futhermore reading take a look at this article…
#Flask #SQLAlchemy #WebDevelopment #Python #buildinpublic
Well, it is no more! Now let me tell you what I've learned in that process and pls correct me if I'm wrong.
#sqlalchemy #fastapi #buildinpublic

So for starters, I switched from sync to async sessions and followed a tutorial. Problem: I ran into errors with my output. 1/4
got a bug, that is hunting me for two days, FUCK
DevLog 1 - #CGI and #GameDev Job Seeking Platform:

Started creating the web scraper to group jobs from various studios and platforms.

Tech Stack:

Drop me a Game Studio you'd like to find on the platform 👇

#buildinpublic #indiegamedev