Feature Friday! One of our goals is to simplify working in teams across department boundaries.

We continue to invest heavily in the spreadsheet view of our database and hope that the latest changes make you even more productive.

#buildinpublic #graphql #tables #spreadsheet
From #spreadsheets to web applications with @Squirrel_365! Not all examples are mine, but I wanted to highlight the capabilities.

#NoCode #buildinpublic #Spreadsheet #Excel

Thread - Example Links Below
Today I am working on @airtable integration with @bannertize .

While working on it, I must say @airtable is a wonderful tool. #Laravel #spreadsheet #buildInPublic
#100DaysOfCode I found a neat script solution to a #spreadsheet issue my 5 year old identified with me this morning. Made a video about it. Referenced the #NinjaTurtles. #buildinpublic #gotsheet @Google