Finally after ♾ delays started #Recursion, finding it little overwhelming 🫡, but excited to explore it further🧐. Also working on the TypingSpeed #JavaScript project🥳

GitHub Link :

Happy Learning😄!
#100DaysOfCode #webdev #buildinpublic #DSAWithKunal
This is exactly why I love sharing in public. I posted my ugly code, got some help from @brandontsang2 (and some others on LinkedIn), and now I have this beautiful refactored code! No more #recursion necessary 👋

#100DaysOfCode #BuildInPublic #100Devs…
@DevlinRocha @discord If you use the `String.prototype.split()` function with a regex, the returned array will be the split string plus all the matched capture groups (the parentheses in the regex). I think it's then a matter of surrounding all odd-numbered elements with <a> tags.