Took too long and spent whole day to decide the price for my new SAAS.

#buildinpublic #productroadmap #brands
Building a simple roadmap tool for indiehackers like myself to layout my product vision.

Anybody wants to help try and roast it soon?😀
#buildinpublic #productroadmap #productManagers #solopreneur
Here are 10 reasons you should make your product roadmap public: #buildinpublic #productroadmap #communityledgrowth
We post the Visor #productroadmap and #releasenotes publicly. People often ask: "Aren't you afraid competitors will use it against you?" Short answer: The upside of community-building far outweigh the risks. #buildinpublic #communityledgrowth
What structure do you use for your product roadmap?

Now, Next, Later? Or time-based such as Q1 2022, Q2 2022 etc?

#buildinpublic #openstartup #productroadmap