Now you can style the portal to exactly match your brand identity - perfect for embedding your public roadmap within your website, product or app.…

#nocode #buildinpublic
What structure do you use for your product roadmap?

Now, Next, Later? Or time-based such as Q1 2022, Q2 2022 etc?

#buildinpublic #openstartup #productroadmap
Check out how your #buildinpublic or #nocode startup can have a portal or embedded widget that lets you be transparent with feedback and your product roadmap

How to choose the right tool to take your #buildinpublic roadmap to the public:…
Are you a #buildinpublic startup/bootstrapper without a public roadmap where your users can give you feedback?

Get one now 👉
If you're a #buildinpublic startup - do you have a public roadmap that encourages feedback from your users? If not, why not?
Does order matter with your public roadmap? We've got you covered - you can now manually re-order your roadmap via drag and drop.

We're now collecting over 1,000 votes each week for new product ideas for the products and businesses using Noora - what's stopping you from doing the same for your product and learning what your users really want?

#sthlmtech #customerservice #saas #BuildInPublic
We're pleased to see such a positive reaction to one of our customers' public roadmap. If you are wondering what the value of a public roadmap is for your business, look no further! 🙌

One reason I love @thestorygraph is the insight into the continued development of the product - now available in a public roadmap!

If there's a feature keeping you from making the switch or joining, keep an eye out here :D (PS also join The StoryGraph)
A picture says a thousands words, and now you can add them to your roadmap.…
