Long time no see :) Im back with my #buildinpublic and #meetendly works.

Today we finally structurise our work on #jira but finally we are in the +- middle of rewriting api :) I hope that durgin the Christmas break I will be able to finish most of it. #noBulshitStartup
Yesterday I slept 4.5h, but no mercy, today another part of #meetendly has to be done.

Google integrations almost finished 🤓 In like 2h 🤯 All thanks to @octocodeio great docs 👌

#noBullshitStartup #buildInPublic
Oh, and one more thing. Since december, we should have one more guy onboard in #meetendly. Still talks and agreement in progress so 🤫🤫 #NoBullshitStartup #buildInPublic
I just cant stand it any more that we are talking, planning, talking and planning and our API is still in a mess, because Im not developing it. #NoBullshitStartup #BuildInPublic #meetendly
Dzisiaj zapadła bardzo ważna decyzja w kwestii #meetendly : wchodzimy w nurt #buildinpublic

Od dzisiaj informujemy o wszystkim co sie dzieje z projektem, o problemach i rozwiązaniach, rozkminach i sytuacjach które do nich doprowadziły jak i finansach stojących za nim
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