Le concept sur #Make :

Le concept est pas mauvais en soi, tout fonctionne mais l'article est mal formatté, c'est pas bon de tout vouloir faire en une seule fois 😂
Je suis en train de voir pour décomposer le process ! #buildinpublic #automation #webflow
Zapier vs Make: Welcome to the Automation War ⚔️

☢️@zapier: $18/month + 750 tasks/mo

♒️@make_hq: $9/month + 10.000 tasks/mo

Who do you see winning this epic battle? 🔥

#Flutter #Flutterdev #NoCode #zapier #make #node #nocode #buildinpublic
Do you use Notion?

✅ If yes. What do you use it for? What do you like the most about it?
❌  If no. Why? What do you use to manage your projects?

#buildinpublic #indiehackers #notion #nocode #zapier #make #integromat #lowcode #serverless @NotionHQ
This Tweet was published with Notion 🎉

I’m going to create a guide soon on how to do it 100% for free :)

Let me know if you are interested

#indiehackers #buildinpublic #notion #nocode #make #integromat #zapier
I'm working on a guide on how to plan and publish tweets from Notion.

Everything for free 😄

Let me know if you are interested and drop your ideas for additional features 🙌

#buildinpublic #nocode #notion #socialmedia #socialmediatips #zapier #make #integromat #indiehackers
One of my fav most practical bookmarks “How to start making content” for starting Minimum Ejoyable Action.#buildinpublic #make
How to generate 100 ideas to write about in 30 minutes - even if you think you have nothing to say (THREAD):
Anyone have any experience setting the webhooks with Nylas who use @bubble or @pipedream @zapier or @make_hq ?

#buildinpublic #nocode #bubbleio #pipedream #zapier #make