We've added a "NEW" badge label. It's there to help users spot the most recent HTML/CSS challenges we've added to our platform.


#buildinpublic #elixirlang #ElixirStatus
Built by Elixir, and from a list of markdowns we made a blog to keep Divize users informed about new features related to the tool, and we're also planning to dish out educational content soon.


#buildinpublic #elixirstatus #elixirlang
Objectives and Key Results are a powerful framework that help teams align, increase focus, add accountability, and improve overall productivity.

The second core concept we're introducing to


#buildinpublic #elixirlang #opensource
Just added the first core concept to @operately: Groups 🚀

Groups of people and how they align on what to do and what to build, is the core focus of Operately. It was naturally the first concept we introduced.


#buildinpublic #elixirlang #opensource
3 days debugging and refactoring. finally figured out my mistakes. #elixirlang community helped *a lot*.

workspace takes only 6 minutes to update now. @NotionAPI doesn't rate limit me much anymore.

app still broken, but now I know it's possible.

#buildinpublic #tweet100