#buildinpublic progress in a month.

1. got @nateritter as a mentor, major change of pace.
2. fixated on offering a programming course, couldn't find an audience.
3. focused on an existing audience: homeschooling. found a website perfect for my course.
My weekly progress update on @pioneerdotapp:

- Launched in Notion FB group
- Asked for marketers to join (talking to one)
- Found out workflow of an active user
- Fixed Nagg updates speed from 20min to 1min.

I now have 3 *actually active* users!!

#buildinpublic @NotionHQ
And the idiots award goes to me.

My date comparison was opposite. I only updated already updated pages.

Lucky me there was another bug where every 2nd request deleted the checkpoint and started all updates from scratch, thus results looked ok. Just took forever.

Did loads of marketing today. It's so draining to my dev brain that now I'm frustrated.

Every marketing action i do feels so wrong and useless that i end up feeling like the whole product is failing.

Plus, no immediate results. Maybe it is actually failing.

This is my indie dev marketing plan. My target audience is teams that use Notion.

🔸 Ads for A/B testing
🔸 Find interested users on Twitter
🔸 Cold emails companies


Details 👇
All of my ~10 users have churned. But they joined when the server crashed so time to gear up marketing efforts.

Find teams using Notion + cold outreach.

I've fixed my analytics and sent out emails to users.

Realistically I have no active users. But a few were waiting for mentions to be in a Notion Database so we'll see if they activate.

Ready to find new users.

Nagg's new Notion database approach created double notifications for everyone. Myself included.

Very annoying.

Fixed it now, hopefully not too many bridges burnt.

Making things work is about finding a better way and not just grinding it.

I haven't been consistent with my Tweets.

After traveling my approach will be one thread a week about the 80/20 principles I've found. #buildinpublic will fill up the days in between.

Finally moved mentions into a database. Now you can hide tasks, filter by user and group by page.

So you mention someone on any page and then can make tasks out of those mentions in any way you want.

@NotionAPI #buildinpublic #tweet100
3 days debugging and refactoring. finally figured out my mistakes. #elixirlang community helped *a lot*.

workspace takes only 6 minutes to update now. @NotionAPI doesn't rate limit me much anymore.

app still broken, but now I know it's possible.

#buildinpublic #tweet100
Today i figured out how to squeeze performance out of the Notion API. But it's a lot of work.

I'm up for it. Excited even. But users will have to wait even more days.

apparently having a few users worth of Notion workspaces to aggregate means more than 4 hours of compute time. because of the slow requests.

so i can update users task lists only once a day? no thank you.

#buildinpublic @NotionAPI
Nagg visitors.

First tick is the Reddit post. Second is no fault of my own.

I'm getting a slow and steady inflow of new users. Probably from the Reddit post.

Too bad Nagg is down, probably for many days.

On the positive side - at least the inflow is slow and I can communicate with people directly.

#buildinpublic #tweet100
So the @NotionAPI officially sucks (for now).

No webhooks, so I must query all blocks one by one. Then get ratelimited with only a few users.

@NotionHQ please fix this 🥺

i woke up to 146 votes. 3 new users (total 4). overall a fun experience. may the marketing continue.

@justolaking gave great advice how to differentiate from Notion templates. hadn't even considered.

@NotionAPI #buildinpublic #tweet100
89 upvotes in. Here's the funnel. I think the people at r/Notion just like looking around and don't actually need this. Perhaps there aren't many team users there.

If only I could ask the voters why they didn't integrate in private.

#buildinpublic #tweet100