With this section, I included pain points that I discovered when talking to other developers when it comes to brainstorming for projects.
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Different categories we added to help travelers compare flying and driving costs to any U.S. city:
#indiehacker #indiehackers #buildinpublic #vacation #travel
Rest stop time is now added when you are looking at the driving cost to any U.S. city at
#indiehacker #indiehackers #buildinpublic #vacation #traveling
The main idea board will be a section where you can categorize all your ideas into three sections, something that most independent developers already do:
1) Random ideas
2) Something you might build
3) App you're most likely going to build
#indiehacker #buildinpublic
Here is how the app will work.
There are three views:
1) All your projects
2) An idea board space where you can brainstorm ideas
3) Task section to assign tasks to each of your apps
#indiehacker #indiehackers #buildinpublic #uxdesign #uidesign #solopreneur
Adding a "links" section on each project page, where you can add quick links related to your app that you use every day. The goal is to make this section like a dashboard for your app.
#indiehacker #indiehackers #buildinpublic #uxdesign #solopreneur #html #css
Added this "additional items" section in case you have another supply, such as snacks, that you want to keep track of during a hurricane.
#indiehacker #indiehackers #buildinpublic #Productivity #solodev #uxdesign #Hurricane #HurricaneIan #TropicalStormJulia #Hurricanes
Working on the projects section for a brainstorming tool for developers.
#indiehacker #indiehackers #buildinpublic #Productivity #solodev #uxdesign
For amount of water per day on, I used a basic Google search which showed that you need about a gallon of water per person per day during a hurricane.
#indiehacker #indiehackers #buildinpublic #HurricaneIan #Hurricane #Florida #floridahurricane
Code was reversed, which was causing an error in the final statement of whether you have enough supplies to meet your daily goal.
#indiehacker #indiehackers #buildinpublic #HurricaneIan #Hurricane #Florida #floridahurricane #solopreneur
Fixed "canned goods" to "canned good containers" on since that seems to be clearer and easier to understand.
#indiehacker #indiehackers #buildinpublic #HurricaneIan #Hurricane #Florida #floridahurricane
Changed "pounds of bread" to "packages of bread" due to some confusion on Also, most people count bread in loaves, slices, or packages, not pounds.
#indiehacker #indiehackers #buildinpublic #HurricaneIan #Hurricane #Florida #floridahurricane
Working on a brainstorming tool for
@IndieHackers and independent developers. Building out the feature to see all projects on the dashboard.
#indiehacker #indiehackers #buildinpublic #solopreneur #entrepreur #webdevelopment