When Product Hunt starts to ban my link.

That's when I know I have done enough marketing.

Just updated my twitter banner to better reflect my personality.

What ya think?

ChatWizard( new feature:

You can now change the position of the chatbot. This is useful if you have other widgets currently on your website.

Hello Singapore! Any indie hackers here? Please say hi.

People Making Real Money in the AI Gold Rush?

AI Directories!

I got scared when I email a paid customer and they do not reply me.

I am scared that he might be one of those jake smith.

Reached 800 followers. Thank you all for following!

#buildinpublic #celebrate
ChatWizard( new feature:

You can now customize your chatbot's appearance to match your brand.

I want to sponsor some AI newsletters. If you have one, please DM me .

BotCraftsman is live on @ProudctHunt!

Explore the world of AI-powered chatbots with BotCraftsman. Gain hands-on experience with source code and step-by-step tutorials.


Please help upvote!

Any other AI directories I am missing. Let me know and I will add it to

This giant list is getting a lot of traffic.

We have chosen TALL stack to do it because of its friendly eco-system. Laravel has made shipping a project super fast for indie hackers like me.

#buildinpublic #Laravel #TALLstack #TailwindCSS
ChatWizard( now provides streamed content. Our tech stack is Laravel + Laravel Livewire + Tailwind CSS:

Having a tough time coming out with a good domain name for one of my upcoming projects.

Then I realized, I had built NameWizard(

Work for the diversified income stream
