Dream Big 🌕

Start Small ⚙️

There is a still long way ahead of us, but it is nice to see the first baby steps of our funding platform 👶

#fundingplatform #funding #startups #NFTProject #Web3 #DeFi #buildinpublic #buildingWeb3 #buildinginpublic #startup #uiuxdesign #uidesign
Steal like an artist by @austinkleon in praxis.

We drew inspiration for our mascot from @leonboyarsky Vault Boy who drew inspiration from Rich Uncle Pennybags from the Monopoly.

Do you know who inspired Parker Brothers?

#BehindTheScenes #buildinpublic #NFTartist #inspiration
What are you working on today?

We're taking a closer look at the DAO and here's the BTS of DAO Founder tokens. 🙌

Are there any #IndieGameDev interested in #web3?

#BehindTheScenes #buildinpublic #buildingWeb3 #DAO #conceptart #characterdesign #NFTs