Unpopular opinion: It’s totally fine to mix different file types in the same directory.

For me, the more flat the directory structure β€” and the less dirs I need to open while working on one thing, the better.

#Laravel #VueJs #buildinpublic
As a #SaaS founder you must be able to be laser focused on work that really matters.

Here is an important tip!

If you spend 4 hours a day reading wisdom and life takes on Twitter, you have 4 hours less time to be laser focused.

#buildInPublic #TwittersWordsOfWisdom
I didn’t wear pants in office since 7 years. AMA #buildinpublic
232 commits later: the initial working version of my #dotfiles 'toolbox' is near. Will #opensource it somewhen.

Learned new:
πŸ‘‰ #BASH
πŸ‘‰ #ZSH

Improved skills:
πŸ‘‰ #Homebrew
πŸ‘‰ #Git
πŸ‘‰ #macOS internals

All in 2 months; on side. Somehow proud! πŸ₯·#buildinpublic
Been building products and businesses for over 15 years. Right now, I'm on the edge whether or not I should build in public.

If you already doing it; mind to answer these?

πŸ‘‰ why do you build in public?
πŸ‘‰ what is it giving you?
πŸ‘‰ how did you benefit from it?
