🎶Whisper Mate - macOS Local transcribe audio/movie to text with Whisper AI Model. Keep Privacy Safe!
- Embed subtitle editor to fix transcription
- Use deepl free api translate subtitles
#macOS #Subtitles #buildinpublic
🎶Whisper Mate - Batch local transcribe audio/movie to text with Whisper AI Model. Keep Privacy Safe!…

#buildinpublic #macOS #whisper #Subtitles
MindMac 1.3.0 is released.

✅ Inline mode. Use ChatGPT in any apps.
✅ Fully customizable hotkeys
✅ New clean & intuitive UI
✅ And more enhanced features

Let checkout and move yourself next level.

Details below 👇
#ChatGPT #ai #macOS #buildinpublic
Having fun with some tiny details for a new macOS app.
Changing the corner radii, will also update the icons in the properties panel.
You can increment & decrement the values using the scrollwheel when hovering over the textfield.

#buildinpublic #macos #swift #swiftdev
New concept UI for a MacOS app

Still a work in progress

#BuildInPublic #UI #macOS
I'm working on a layout redesign for @NiceShotPro for #macOS as the original design wasn't good enough for portrait images.

Here's a sneak of the new layout UX 👀 #buildinpublic
I just released a minor update to TNGradientPickerSlider, a ready-to-use AppKit component which lets your users select multiple colors to build a gradient for your macOS application.…

#buildinpublic #opensource #swift #macos
#Entorii latest stats:
📊 77 guests this month
👥 51 registered users
🌍 179 trips
💼 5 subscribers (4 yearly)
🚀 3 early adopters

Goal: 25 yearly subscribers to streamline MVP development time 😅

#buildinpublic #iosdev #SwiftUI #macos #appdevelopment #womenintech
We just submitted #Ambre for #visionPro to #TestFlight. We also noticed that we had hit our tester count limit, so we bumped it to make sure everyone can join!


#buildInPublic #swiftUI #indieDev #ios #iPadOS #watchOS #macOS #visionOS #interactiveWidgets
I just released the usual weekly update for

Decided to hop on the hype train this week; introducing AI image generation. ✨

Sadly #midjourney still doesn't have a public API, it would have been great to use them.

#buildinpublic #dalle #OpenAI #MACOS finally supports colours with alpha channels as well!

Took a bit of tinkering but they work even in the live macOS dock too!

This was inspired by the beautiful icon of the Arc Browser, by the @browsercompany

#buildinpublic #iosdev #MACOS #swiftui
And last but not least: image masking now fully supports gradients!

Available for in the latest update, for both macOS and Windows!

#buildinpublic #macos #iosdev
Just released a new macOS version for - preview your icons right inside the dock, in their natural environment - in real time! 🎥

#buildinpublic #iosdev #macOS #flutterdev
Image masking is now available for, on both macOS and Windows.

Tint and recolour your images using solid colours - planning on implementing gradients images soon...

#buildinpublic #macos #iosdev
✨ TNGradientPickerSlider for macOS

- Live gradient preview (like Sketch)
- Tear off colors by dragging them of the track
- Customisable
- Looks good (well ... I like it 😆)

Ofcourse ... it's open-source ❤️

#buildinpublic #swiftdev #macos #opensource…
🚧WIP: Gradient Color Picker for AppKit.
More fun tonight:
- Added textual RGB values
- Color circle preview
- Scrollwheel interaction when hovering textfield
- Mouse drag interaction when dragging the component's label

#indiedev #macos #swiftdev #iosdev #buildinpublic
Last week, I started a new side-project #PhotoCraft. Today, I already generated my first image using generative AI! #buildinpublic #MACOS #generativeai
I've had multiple apps in the past but I'm happy with them for now.

#buildinpublic #indiedev #apps #ios #macos
Sunday is always a lovely day to add a gradient editor for a new macOS project I'm working on 👀

#buildinpublic #indiedev #iosdev #macos
Fun fact. Swift’s URL(string: ) will return nil if you pass a string with invalid characters (such as spaces), whereas URLComponents(string: ) will eat anything up.

And then you can get a URL out of it.

#indiedev #macOS #buildinpublic
Motrix V1.8
- Add daily Timer to auto query ai chat node for popup inspirational or motivational tips, Or coding tips,happy tips.. (Double tap on user row)
- Stream mode performance improvements…
#buildinpublic #ChatGPT #MACOS
Motrix V1.8
- Add daily Timer to auto query ai chat node for popup inspirational or motivational tips, Or coding tips,happy tips.. (Double tap on user row)
- Stream mode performance improvements

#buildinpublic #ChatGPT #MACOS
Working on an updated design for Verbal. Trying to reduce the accent colors, as I feel they are a little overused at the moment. Also will add a split view mode in addition to the current unified scroll mode.

#indiehackers #macOS #buildinpublic
Finished the Environment management interface, now working on actually substituting names for values before making a request. And of course I didn’t forget about the key combo! 😅

#buildinpublic #macOS #indiehackers
Entorii stats for the last 28 days 🇪🇺

🙋 134 users: 52 registered accounts, 6 subscribers 💰, 3 on Mac, 20 on iPad, 3 using dark mode

✈️165 trips recorded
👩‍💻3 #wishlist features implemented

#Entorii #iosdev #buildinpublic #womenintech #appdevelopment #macOS #schengencalculator
Motrix GPT 1.6
- Add stream mode
- Add message embed edit by double tap the message row
- Add appearance config in settings for some UI custom
- Add 3 new themes ( Each theme with Light Dark support )
- Add Save layout & Restore layout
#buildinpublic #ChatGPT #macOS
Added validation to headers. Also, when a header is empty, the row is grayed out and the checkbox is hidden. Invalid/empty rows are excluded on send.

#buildinpublic #macOS #indiedev
Please, select #Ubuntu or #linux in this poll! 🐧

#MacOS and #Windows are meant to stay at zero! 😝

Feel free to support my biased opinion! 🤣

Save the date! Book Tracker 3.1 will be released on May 24, 2023 for iOS and macOS. I can't wait to show you all the new features 📚

#buildinginpublic #buildinpublic #iOS #macOS #appstore #app #BookLover #book #BookTwitter
Verbal is finally available on the App Store!…

#buildinpublic #macos #indiedev
Thread: A few weeks ago, I released Verbal, my REST client for macOS!
#buildinpublic #SaaS #macOS #indiedev

Even if you do not like dogs you might like my app. It monitors changes on your screen while you are away.

#buildinpublic #macOS #indiedev #swift
Thread: A few weeks ago, I released Verbal, my REST client for macOS!
#buildinpublic #SaaS #macOS #indiedev
Would it be cool to have current weather in the status bar? What do you think?
#buildinpublic #macOS
✅Latest @NiceShotPro for #macOS beta is now available on @gumroad

🔗Grab it for just $10 before price is updated #buildinpublic…
I really needed this for myself.

Testing a default aspect ratio setting to @NiceShotPro for #macOS #buildinpublic
I really needed this for myself.

Testing a default aspect ratio setting to @NiceShotPro for #macOS #buildinpublic
BatFi settings. Work in progress.
#buildinpublic #macOS
BatFi displays handy information about the battery.
#buildinpublic #macOS #indiedev
Finally LocalizApp update is online!

In this update there is fix of a bug in Project Opening, now much stable.

#buildinpublic #indiedev #appdev #macos #localization
Working on new onboarding process, now it should be more helpful to new users - still designed to be simplistic.
What do you think?
#buildinpublic #macOS
Cyte is open-source software for MacOS. Download the beta for free from Github or pay what you want* to get the pre-built app from our website. #macos #opensource #selfhosted #productivity #digitalmemory #buildinpublic *min spend $5
While processing the jetlag, I started working on some low-hanging fruits for @getbillieapp.
You'll now be able to customise the quarterly & monthly folder names if you don't like the defaults I provided :-).

#buildinpublic #indiedev #buildingbillie #macos #swiftdev
V1.3 Features
- Speech mode: you can use microphone to record text. App will translate to text and keep the audio track.
- Voice speak content: Single click user or bot avatar.
- More ..
#buildinpublic #chatgpt #GPT #MACOS #SwiftUI…
I made dis👉🏻👈🏻

After 2 currency converter projects, I can't stand seeing the word currency.

Pretty neat though. Imma actually use it. Which theme do you like better?
#swiftui #swift #iosdev #macos #nice
This tweet starts a thread showing UI/UX ideas rejected during our iterative process. Most of them seemed great in theory but made our product a complete failure. Please like and follow so that I can add more and you can learn from our mistakes. #buildinpublic #indiedev #macos
Motrix chatGPT - Group chat in one message

- Create an parent node
- Create sub node and use system Instructions setup node’s system prompt
- Press ‘&’ enter Group chat mode
- Ask question in parent node
- Send message

#macOS #ChatGPT #buildinpublic
Version 2.0 with free download and In-App Purchase is in testing! 🎉

Finally you will be able to test the app before purchase it!

#buildinpublic #indiedev #macos #apps #localization
Just took the plunge and dove headfirst into macOS server support for @whaledeck_io! Resisting the urge to take shortcuts and rely on third-party packages to get the macOS stats. It's tough, but worth it.

#buildinpublic #macOS
✅ Global keyboard shortcut is now set with #SwiftUI

(⌘⇧2) - Quick Capture Screenshots

...regardless of the #macOS app state either in foreground (or) background. #buildinpublic
You get a bug report (thanks @YvesHanoulle :D) for "I keep seeing the review window after each invoice process" ... what is the problem do you think?

#swiftlang #indiedev #buildinpublic #macOS
New version of Finance Bay (1.5) will arrive shortly. Contains many bugfixes and improvements to user experience.…
#buildinpublic #iOS #macOS #finance #tracker #app
Newbie question:

In an AppKit app, how can you make a main menu item controlled and dependent on a specific window?

I've accomplished the result by attaching the IBAction to the first responder but I'm not sure is the right way.


#buildinpublic #swift #macos #indiedev
😎I created Lines for macOS. It's simple tool to evaluate your code (free, of course).

Now exclusively available here
#ios #macos #buildinpublic #xcode #appcode
Really productive day.
The core prototype has been fully transitioned from SwiftUI to AppKit and as an added bonus you can now search for installed or available casks and formulae 💪

#buildinpublic #macos
Checking new updates of dependencies in a swift package (LoopKit) is easy
#swiftpackage #buildinpublic #MACOS #xcode #SPM
#swift #swiftdeps
🎉 🎉 Just released version 1.0.0 of SwiftDeps - a macOS app that helps visualize Swift packages and Xcode projects, and manage package versions. Check it out now!
#SwiftDeps #SPM #Xcode #macOS #buildinpublic
Today 4 months from start working on, I will try release in one month
#buildinpublic #ASO #ios #MACOS
Update: Now it's NSVisualEffectView with a mask image. Additionally, I animate the fill, stroke, and shadow alongside the main shape to make a smooth transition. The next step is to move it into a borderless overlay window and put the content view inside. #buildinpublic #macos
For the week before my birthday I created a promotion for @localiz_app with a super discount!

Get the deal now!

#buildinpublic #indiedev #appdev #apps #macos #localization
After adding Live preview for changes when video is not playing and resizing, it looks like a product. I really enjoy current results. After adding shadows and exporting progress, MVP of a video editing module will be finished. #buildinpublic #macos
Today I want to talk to you (for who don't know it) about @localiz_app an #app for #macOS that allow you to manage your app localizations.

How do you manage and update all the strings?

You can found the app here:

#indiedev #buildinpublic
Anyone using multiple operating systems at the same time?
Like I use both Mac and Windows for my work.

#work #macOS #Windows #coding #buildinpublic #tasks #Job
Today I found out that the app for macOS and iOS have the same bundle ID, so I recreated the app with a different one - - soon)
Now, I recreate all configs, profiles and others)
#buildinpublic #ios #macos
MacOS Developers - let me have your attention.

If you haven't already heard of @Setapp, you need to.

🎁 ➡️

#buildinpublic #referral #macOS
Is there an official macOS versions graph distribution provided by Apple somewhere?

I currently support macOS 11 for @GPCalendarApp but so much cool stuff in macOS 12+ ☺️

#macOS #apple #buildinpublic
It's Friday folks. Let's grab a coffee for a nice co-working session to end up this week together. ☺️


#twitch #indiedev #ios #stream #macOS #SwiftUI #Swift #indieappdeveloper #indieapp #watchOS #buildinpublic
Grab a coffee and join me on Twitch for designing / building something cool together!


#twitch #indiedev #ios #stream #macOS #SwiftUI #Swift #indieappdeveloper #indieapp #watchOS #buildinpublic
Started my own blog on iOS and macOS development. Any thoughts/feedback would be highly appreciated!

#ios #buildinpublic #MACOS
Some pics of my workspace for #Apple #iOS #macOS #XR development, and producing @SwiftRealityXR content.

- M2 MacBook Pro
- Meta Quest Pro Headset
- Wacom Intuos Pro Tablet
- Lots of art and creative decor for inspiration

#Swift #iOSDev #buildinpublic
📣 calling mac users:

Do you use #macOS widgets or not?

Trying to find out if building widgets for my apps is worth it

Started working on a new #macOS app! Pretty nice how new Apple APIs have made the standard things you need simpler; ✓ Menubar item, ✓ Start at login, ✓ Nice simple icon from SF Symbols. All less work then before. #buildinpublic
Enjoying the custom controls I built for my app.

#swift #macOS #buildinpublic #AppKit #SaaS
The first round of the presidential election in Czech Republic took place yesterday.

This is a good moment to look at some available open data and maybe try to create a small app for it .

More info…

#buildinpublic @swiftui #macos #iOS
The first round of the presidential election in CZ took place yesterday.

This is a good moment to look at some available open data and maybe try to create a small app for it .

More info at…

#buildinpublic @swiftui #macos #iOS
And so it begins… I’m reopening #SwiftUICamp on February the 1st. For this edition I’m going to build the Twitter #iOS and #macOS apps in #SwiftUI. I’m going to level up your #SwiftUI knowledge to an advanced one. Interested? Enroll now:…

While I'm waiting for @PaddleHQ account verification for @thelasso_app just decided to check how the app will behave if one of the monitors is in portrait mode. 👌and it handles it well!

#buildinpublic #macos #IndieDevs #Swift
We are live on #macOS #AppStore and we are launching with the best price $2.99
Download now to get this awesome launch price.…
Move aside lads, I got FIVE entire downloads for my app on the #macOS #AppStore

Added a sidebar with a list of multiple notes to my little markdown notes side project. Easy to keep track of important stuff! 🔥

#macos #sideproject #buildinpublic
If any #macOS #developer wants to work on a cool very short project, let’s connect.

I’m building an awesome tool that collects information without leaving the screen you’re on. A game changer.

#saas #buildinpublic #indiehackers…
If any #macOS #developer wants to work on a cool very short project, let’s connect.

I’m building an awesome tool that collects information without leaving the screen you’re on. A game changer.

#saas #buildinpublic #indiehackers…
Who says bookmarks can't live in your menu bar? Am I being lazy saving myself a couple clicks to find a bookmark in the browser vs spending a couple hours coding this up... #swiftui #macos #buildinpublic #indiedev
TapTab is off to a much better start than I expected. I have had a few sales and, more importantly, customers reach out to me and tell me that it has already become a part of their toolbox! 🚀

Waitlist release ✅

Time to hunker down and get #marketing! 🗣️#macOS #buildinpublic
And just like that has been submitted to the App store for review 🤞

Check it out if you want a great tab switcher in Safari #apple #macos #buildinpublic
🚀 The 8th beta of Billie has been released today!
- A smarter model
- Background mailing
- A bunch of improvements & bugfixes

Would you like to join the beta? Sign up via!…

#macos #app #buildinpublic #indiedev
✅ Re-Submitted the JustCryptoBar on App Store again with Demo Video

Use imovie for creation your preview, it has processed immediately.
When i tried other tools for exporting with ok format it stuck "in progress" status

TIL creating App Store preview images for macOS menu bar apps can be real challenge. 🙃 My first attempt, what do you think? 🤔

#sideproject #buildinpublic #macos
The updated website for is up and running as we get closer to the launch.

Bunch of features! Check it out 🚀 #buildinpublic #macos #Apple

🧵on how I am deploying it
In the next beta build, I will look so much tastier in Dark Mode. #buildinpublic #macOS
New visuals for with a complete list of features🎨

It's a little late so I will push it tomorrow 😴

Discovered a theme-related bug that needs squashing and then going to look into how to publish the #web extension 🚀

#buildinpublic #macOS
3rd project in line: Appstate is a tool for showing dif notifications in apps. The goal is to give developers a possibility to send notifications over a macOS-App independent from the data base.
The 1st public test version‘s out and we appreciate feedback!😁
#buildinpublic #macOS
A quick overview of my hassle-free internet radio player 📻 side project. Preparing to launch soon! 🚀

#sideproject #development #macos #musicplayer #buildinpublic