JobsFeed - Week report ✍️

💰 $0 revenue
💸 $0 MRR
🧑‍💻 14.6K visits
👋 373 signups (+6)

⚙️ Our platform delivers a rapid job search experience, look through which technologies we use 👇

Backend: @fastifyjs
DB: @prisma
Frontend: @vuejs
Parsers: @n8n_io
Infrastructure: @digitalocean
Analytics: @jitsucom

🤔 What do you think, how AI will help you find your next job? 👇

#buildinginpublic #buildinpublic
👨‍💻 Working on a new feature
Can you guess what it is?👇

#job #hiring #buildinpublic
🌟 Exciting news! We've just released a fresh, modern design for JobsFeed to make your job search even easier and more enjoyable.
Check it out now! →

#jobsearch #careers #hiring #newdesign #buildinpublic