@mohdmihal From my point of view #failinpublic can be part of the journey to success. When you #buildinpublic you are are allowing yourself to be vulnerable with the good and the bad. Wishing you success.
Quick update. I added toast notifications. They auto hide after ~3 seconds.
#buildinpublic #rails #railsdeveloper
That's a wrap on the chat feature 😀. I went with the Stimulus approach to update the CSS for the messages. #buildinpublic #rails #railsdeveloper
Weekly Update:
- Add Comments
- Add Replies
- Add likes
Used Hotwire/Turbo for the reactivity.
#buildinpublic #rails #railsdeveloper
My weekly-ish update of #buildinpublic
- Add image upload to post
- Change new post form to always be present
- Add user and date to post
- Add delete confirm prompt, using Stimulus.
Today starts my #buildinpublic post. My plan is post at a minimum, weekly updates, which I hope is a reasonable cadence for me. I mainly work on #rubyonrails projects, but since I have to learn Swift for work (don't ask, j/k) 😂 I may share on that topic too.