Released v1.1.1 of slidev-theme-academic 🎓!

Changes included:
- prevents overlapping layers in export
- considers user specified base path for images
- removes pagination from end slide…

@Slidevjs #oss #opensource #buildinpublic
Blog is done and now bases on webpack only!

Now I'm tempted to write a webpack plugin for blogs. 🤔

@FrancoisChlr New blog is coming to an end!

I've grouped posts by year and ensured they are sorted in descending order.

slidev-theme-academic v1 is 6 months old! 🎓

It sits at 31 stars, 13 forks, 24 dependent repos, 250 views/80 visitors every 2 weeks and 1500 downloads.

Numbers are small but it makes me happy to see people using and enjoying it. 😊

#buildinpublic #opensource @Slidevjs
It's especially hard to style images when sites are generated and you can't account for every image individually.

Zooming becomes important to guarantee readability across devices. To give it a nice touch, I use @FrancoisChlr's medium-zoom package.

Product development wastes a lot of time questioning which ideas to execute.

ICE scoring helps making rapid but thoughtful decisions.

Rate ideas by impact, confidence and ease. Multiply scores, sort descending and start from the top.

This is going to be an entry on the blog index page.

meta-marked package serves me with HTML and front matter as structured data from my Markdown templates.

For reading time, I use @ngryman's reading-time package which I feed posts HTML during site generation.

Making progress! This is going to be the blog index page.

Reading time is calculated using @ngryman's reading-time package which I simply feed the post's HTML during site generation.

Building products, it's dangerous to constantly incorporate new ideas, technologies and tasks.

While the intention is good, it mustn't come at cost of progress.

💡 Focus is saying no to good ideas.

#buildinpublic #startup101
I'm about to close blog.alex-eble​.de in order to move it to www.alex-eble.​de/blog/.

My goal is to have a single website and improve #SEO.

With regards to tech stack, the blog is then going to be powered by just #Webpack instead of #Hugo #StaticSiteGenerator.

I'm about to close blog.alex-eble​.de to create www.alex-eble.​de/blog/.

My goal is to have a single website and improve #SEO.

With regards to tech stack, the blog is then going to be powered by just #Webpack instead of #Hugo #StaticSiteGenerator.
