I'm back to #solidity!!

We would keep #buildinpublic till we get there.

Thanks for reading about my latest toxic escapead with #solidity 😩

#blockchain #100DaysOfCode
2.The best learning material to work with while learning.

3.practical steps to scaling up making yourself job ready.

#blockchain #buildinpublic #100DaysOfCode
So I'm writing my first technical article and i yawned 😂

Maybe it's because it's late and I'm tired
I really can't bear the thought that it might be the article causing it😩😔

Y'all be the judge, I'll be posting it soon🙂

#web3 #buildinpublic #blockchain #solidity #techwriter
Day 16 of #100DaysOfCode. We started coding #solidity in VS code.
Installed the necessary dependencies like solc.js to complie solidity code.
#web3 #blockchain #buildinpublic
It's the weekend!
On day 15 of #100DaysOfCode, understood how to get solutions to error messages on a whole different level. Also learnt a few markdown syntax to enhance the quality of questions asked in different indexed forums.
#solidity #blockchain #web3 #buildinpublic🚀🚀🚀
It's day 14 already in my #100DaysOfCode .
Apart from coding in #solidity, I started a technical writing course for the most part of today😁.
learnt how to reduce transaction gas by using keywords like immutable and constants.
#web3 #buildinpublic #blockchain
Day 13 of #100DaysOfCode and #solidity
Used a for loop, and learnt resetting an array in solidity
Also learnt how to send eth from a contract using the "transfer", "send" and "call" method
Again knowledge of Javascript really makes things easier!
#blockchain #web3 #buildinpublic
Day 12 of #100DaysOfCode!

Ignore the occasional gaps; I've been busy with other projects alongside learning #Solidity. I'm aware the challenge is about consistent coding practice and personal growth. Life happens, but I'm still making progress. Let's gooo!! #buildinpublic #web3
It's day 11 of #100DaysOfCode.
Can't pinpoint an exact thing i studied. Just a lot of #solidity maths😭
We used data feeds in #chainlink to get, convert the value of ether to usd.
Took a walk afterwards to cool my brain😁
#blockchain #web3 #buildinpublic

Hello! And happy Sunday #web3 family 😇
It's day 7 in #100DaysOfCode.
I achieved little but made progress regardless.
Went over the fundamentals of solidity again. Garnered more knowledge on the concept of writing smart contracts.
#solidity #buildinpublic
Day 6 of #100DaysOfCode:🚀Explored the power of events in smart contracts to enhance frontend interactions.🎯Additionally, I gained a solid grasp on the concept of composability, exploring how different contracts can seamlessly interact with each other
#blockchain #buildinpublic
day 5 of #100days of code was spent on remix
learnt by practice basic solidity arrays and structures, Initializing array with the "struct" keyword. Also Learned error handling , and when to use memory, call data, or storage for storing data. #blockchain #web3 #buildinpublic