I'm back to #solidity!!

We would keep #buildinpublic till we get there.

Thanks for reading about my latest toxic escapead with #solidity 😩

#blockchain #100DaysOfCode
I'm back to #solidity!!

We would keep #buildinpublic till we get there.

Thanks for reading about my latest toxic escapead with #solidity 😩

#blockchain #100DaysOfCode
So I'm writing my first technical article and i yawned πŸ˜‚

Maybe it's because it's late and I'm tired
I really can't bear the thought that it might be the article causing itπŸ˜©πŸ˜”

Y'all be the judge, I'll be posting it soonπŸ™‚

#web3 #buildinpublic #blockchain #solidity #techwriter
Day 16 of #100DaysOfCode. We started coding #solidity in VS code.
Installed the necessary dependencies like solc.js to complie solidity code.
#web3 #blockchain #buildinpublic
It's the weekend!
On day 15 of #100DaysOfCode, understood how to get solutions to error messages on a whole different level. Also learnt a few markdown syntax to enhance the quality of questions asked in different indexed forums.
#solidity #blockchain #web3 #buildinpublicπŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
It's day 14 already in my #100DaysOfCode .
Apart from coding in #solidity, I started a technical writing course for the most part of today😁.
learnt how to reduce transaction gas by using keywords like immutable and constants.
#web3 #buildinpublic #blockchain
Day 13 of #100DaysOfCode and #solidity
Used a for loop, and learnt resetting an array in solidity
Also learnt how to send eth from a contract using the "transfer", "send" and "call" method
Again knowledge of Javascript really makes things easier!
#blockchain #web3 #buildinpublic
Day 12 of #100DaysOfCode!

Ignore the occasional gaps; I've been busy with other projects alongside learning #Solidity. I'm aware the challenge is about consistent coding practice and personal growth. Life happens, but I'm still making progress. Let's gooo!! #buildinpublic #web3
It's day 11 of #100DaysOfCode.
Can't pinpoint an exact thing i studied. Just a lot of #solidity maths😭
We used data feeds in #chainlink to get, convert the value of ether to usd.
Took a walk afterwards to cool my brain😁
#blockchain #web3 #buildinpublic

Hello! And happy Sunday #web3 family πŸ˜‡
It's day 7 in #100DaysOfCode.
I achieved little but made progress regardless.
Went over the fundamentals of solidity again. Garnered more knowledge on the concept of writing smart contracts.
#solidity #buildinpublic
GM 🌞🌞 working on a marketplace contract today πŸ‘Œ

#buildinpublic #NFTs #solidity
BUIDL or bust! Building in public until I am hired as a blockchain engineer. First full stack DApp is weekend four project for the Q1 @encodeclub Solidity Bootcamp. Solidity tokenized ballot contract implementing ERC20Votes. React frontend. NEST backend. #buildinpublic #Solidity
The results of a Reddit post:
πŸ”Ί1 upvote

πŸ€”No matter the outcome, I'm still committed to try and share my journey, the good, the bad, and all that there is in between. #buildinpublic #blockchain #solidity #bugbounty
Hacking on #nfts for my favourite coffee shop in my favourite coffee shop.

#buildinpublic #nft #coffee #coffeeshop #nextjs #solidity #pocketbase
First time using Solidity Assembly today. It kinda makes me feeling really cool xD

Building SuperSwapV2 - UniswapV2 clone :)

#solidity #assembly #smartcontract #dev #buildinpublic
Today I'm diving into #Solidity again.

Want to try my hand at building a few things:
- variable fee AMM
- modified ERC-20s

But it's been a while since I've deployed back to basics πŸ˜…

Let's see how the day goes! #buildinpublic
Recorded a video on Soildity Functions.
- Basic syntaxes & tricks.
- Pure & View
- Overloading and Overriding Concepts

Will be editing next. Must be out on
@YouTube by tmrw.

#Web3 #solidity #buildinpublic
Day 20-21 | #100DaysOfWeb3 | #100DaysOfCode

🌟#Buidl a fully on-chain #DAO to invest in #NFT with @LearnWeb3DAO⚑️

Long way to goπŸš€

Sophomore track: 11/13 βœ…

#Web3Community #LearnWeb3 #Web3 #LFG #WAGMI #BuildinPublic #Blockchain #Solidity
Day 22-23 | #100DaysOfWeb3 | #100DaysOfCode

🌟#Buidl a Decentralized Exchange #DEX with @LearnWeb3DAO 🌟

And finally graduated from the Sophomore track βœ¨πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

Long way to goπŸš€

#Web3Community #LearnWeb3 #Web3 #LFG #WAGMI #BuildinPublic #Blockchain #Solidity #NFT #ICO #DAO
Stats from my first attempt at publishing on @Medium

- 3 articles (topic: #solidity and #nft)
- Added to @BttrProgramming publication
- 763 tracked views
- 239 untracked views
- +20 fans
- 45% read rate

My first #web3 project submitted for the @encodeclub x @0xPolygon #Hackathon! πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

More info about the hack is here:
#buildinpublic #gtfol #reacjs #nextjs #solidity
Getting my fingers dirty on some #smartcontract stuff and playing around with #solidity.
Decided to try #buildinpublic for the next project.
Really thrilled for what is to come!
Created an #smartcontract for To-do App using #Solidity and deployed to Ropsten test net using hardhat and alchemy .

Repo Link :…

Your suggestions are welcome πŸ™‚

#buildinpublic #learnweb3
For every builder wanting to start learning web3 I really advice giving a try to from @loomnetwork super easy way to dive in solidity

#buildinpublic #web3 #Solidity
How can anyone landed up with a job or internship in web3 space with solidity programming and smart contracts Testing
#Web3 #blockchaintechnology #buildinpublic #decentralized #solidity
Completed Section-1 on @_buildspace 's Build a Web3 App with Solidity Project.
Had a lot to learnπŸ€“, with a ton of fun😁
#Solidity #WAGMI #buildinpublic
gm guys, I've been learning solidity for quite a while now and I built this simple dApp that let me send ether from my account to another.

#buildinpublic #web3 #Solidity #100DaysOfCode
Best resources (course, vid, discord?) to learn Solidity (& dependencies) to create a NFT collection?

I want to go through the whole project launch process (not incl art) to learn more about the technical side.

#Solidity #developer #buildinpublic #web3
I surely must have some developers on my following list! Any upcoming developers who want to come work with me hmu #web3 #dapp #dapps #vuejs #solidity #coding #DEVCommunity #Developers #buildinpublic #100DaysOfCode

Looking for some people to come work alongside me
Day 4 of XXX ... 2022
Uggg...I broke something...I am going to have to check how the site is pulling the data from the API...Its probably a missed period or comma
#100daysofcode #React #crypto #ethereum #Solidity #oleg #buildinpublic
Day 3 of XXX ... 2022
I hope you are sleeping well. I just finished the news component of the app
#100daysofcode #React #crypto #ethereum #Solidity #oleg #BuildInPublic
Day 2 of XXX ... 2021
Hope you are having a Good Evening,
Working on the search functionality of the app.
#100daysofcode #React #crypto #ethereum #Solidity #oleg #BuildInPublic
Day 1 of XXX ... 20XX
Good Evening,
I am going to start venturing into crypto/blockchain development in 2022. The app I am working on will display the top cryptos and any detailed info about them.
#100daysofcode #React #crypto #ethereum #Solidity #oleg #BuildInPublic
More progress with the @_buildspace NFT Game project.

After connecting to the wallet:

βœ… Get NFT characters from Smart Contract.
βœ… Parse Image, Name, and Attributes.
βœ… Render as individual cards with a Mint button.

#Web3 #Solidity #buildinpublic…
Progressing building a web3 dApp game "Kill the Boss"

It mints NFTs characters with attributes to the Rinkeby Ethereum test #Blockchain via @AlchemyPlatform

Learning #web3 and @solidity_lang at @_buildspace course and sharing my journey.

#buildinpublic #webdevelopment…
57 days until 2022

That’s enough time to do 8 projects with @_buildspace

Lucky for you they already got 4 with one starting tomorrow πŸ™‚

What do you want to accomplish before the end of the year?

#buildinpublic #coding #solidity #solana #NFT #job
I am very new to web3. Here are some notes of my first 2 weeks learning the ecosystem…
#ethereum @_buildspace @developer_dao #solidity #buildinpublic
Upgradeable #NFTs is smth I currently work on.

It'll allow users to buy game items, upgrade by use in a game (i.e. killing monsters), and trade the improved version in any marketplace.

#buildinpublic #solidity
This post is about why you should Pull Payments instead of push them, and it introduces the @OpenZeppelin Escrow Contract as the next example we'll be building off of…

#solidity #Ethereum #blockchain #development #buildinpublic #100DaysOfWeb3
Smart Contract: Array and Map explained

MEGA - Thread ⛩️ >>>>

#javascript #Web3 #Blockchain #DEVCommunity
We have 2 spots remaining in the Learn and Build project

Our first cohort of #Coders are rowing through the #ERROR and building their first projects!

