First alpha testers impressions are in! Looks promising 🎉 #buildinpublic
Just finished the redesign of my first app! I am so stoked getting it to my alpha testers and receiving feedback! 💪 #buildinpublic
Started the last redesign of my first mobile app! Can’t wait to share it!! #buildinpublic
Just pushed the 100th build of my new app to TestFlight to test on my phone. I am really considering Xcode Server to get faster iterations… #buildinpublic #xcode
Just got Sign in with Apple working with my custom ASP.Net backend for my new iOS app! I cannot wait to share it publicly! 🎉 #buildinpublic #flutterdev #dotnet
Have to say: I miss the tools and workflows of developing for web but I love seeing my ideas as iOS apps!

#buildinpublic #flutterdev
First call with my lawyer about the terms of use for my first iOS app ever! #buildinpublic