New Feature: You can now anonymously send feedback within the MetaMyth app. Report a bug, share an #idea for a #feature, or any other #feedback.
Tell us what you think!πŸ™ƒ

#buildinpublic #startup #UI #uxdesign #SaaS #WritingCommunity
New Feature: You can now anonymously send feedback within the MetaMyth app. Report a bug, share an #idea for a #feature, or any other #feedback.
What do you think?
WeπŸ’•and welcome your feedback! πŸ™ƒ

#buildinpublic #startup #UI #uxdesign #SaaS #WritingCommunity
The new design for the passwordless login page is up. Simple & straight to the point. Social logins in the next few sprints. What do you think, do you prefer a password login or this way? I hate passwords. #buildinpublic #uidesign #Software #WritingCommunity #startup #uxdesign
Hey there #writers and #mythology creators! We're excited to share that MetaMyth, your go-to web app for creating and #publishing your #stories, (beta, #grow with us) is going dark mode!
Write with ease!
#buildinpublic #techtwitter #WritingCommunity #uiuxdesign #Software