Recently launched the updated marketing site! Check it out here ->

#algorand #algorandasa #buildinpublic #bones
ThreadStitcher has pivoted to become BonesBot!

The $BONES token (ASA #510337930) works along our Discord bot, BonesBot, to reward users through reactions when engaging content is shared. More info soon!

#buildinpublic update:

ThreadStitcher for Discord alpha release (MVP) now available!

Install Discord Bot:ā€¦

Support Server, for any issues or feature requests:

There will be 2 actions available, see below.
#buildinpublic updates:

- ThreadStitcher for Discord will have its alpha release in the next month!
- Also purchased a logo! I thought it was a bit too abstract at first, but it's starting to grow on me.

Sign up here to be informed!
ThreadStitcher will now support Discord servers! Save threads/messages and view them internally or externally. Check out the landing page and sign up for the next release below.
#discord #discordserver #discordbot #Threads #buildinpublic
Post 15 with #buildinpublic for, progress update:

- Dynamic preview embeds for articles are now working!
- Mention bot has been hooked up through @automate. Mention @ThreadStitcher in a thread and it'll reply with the stitched thread!
Post 14 with #buildinpublic for, progress update:

- Got approved for Adsense and now serve one (1) ad on each page.
- An in-feed ad will be displayed if there are more than 2 threads in a feed.
- An in-article ad is displayed in a thread view.
Post 13 with #buildinpublic for, progress update:

- Threads can now be saved to a user!
- When logged in and a user fetches a thread, it will be saved under the "My Threads" tab.
- By default, recent threads will be shown first.
Post 12 with #buildinpublic for, progress update:

- Added authentication and a login page.
- Profile dropdown now has working links.
Post 10 with #buildinpublic, progress update:

- Recently added threads are now available on the home page.
- The first 10 threads will be visible and clicking on one will take you to the full thread.
- Clean up tasks such as max width on layout and metrics on thread.
Post 9 with #buildinpublic, user feedback:

- User saw the extra click unnecessary to view the full page after fetching a thread.
- Now after `Get Thread` has been clicked, user will automatically be directed to the thread page.
- Added loading state and info message.
Post 8 with #buildinpublic, progress update:

- Threads saved in @supabase can now be fetched to view in a page.
- Home page now includes a button to go to full page.
Post 8 with #buildinpublic, progress update:

- Migration to vite-plugin-ssr is now complete!
- Pages are now rendered on the server side through @vercel's functions for better SEO.
- Purchased and integrated @tailwindcss's UI layout (highly recommend).
Post 7 with #buildinpublic, progress update:

- Now that the thread renderer has the basic features and threads are being saved to @supabase, it's time to move on to user actions.
- Initially, I was looking to hire a contractor but @supabase makes it easy to handle user auth.
Post 6 with #buildinpublic, user feedback:

- User was confused on input placeholder example. Thought it was already inputted in.
- Updated to clear the input field and instead place example underneath input.
- Added description to describe product.
Post 5 with #buildinpublic:

- Major back-end update! Tweets in a thread are now saved to @supabase.
- A postgres view is created to show only the head tweet of each thread.
- In the thread renderer, the author profile is now displayed.
Post 4 with #buildinpublic, progress update:

- Tweet renderer now supports gifs, mentions, links, and urls.
- Due to Twitter's V2 API limitation, raw gif urls are not yet available so clicking it will take you to the source on Twitter.
Post 4 with #buildinpublic, progress update:

- Tweet renderer now supports gifs, mentions, links, and urls.
Post 3 with #buildinpublic, initial roadmap:

Phase 1
Post 3 with #buildinpublic, progress update:

- Video previews are now available.
- Due to Twitter's V2 API limitation, direct video urls are not available.
- As a workaround, I linked the tweet so when a user clicks on it, it will auto-play the video on Twitter.